Chapter 251: Freak

The guard who'd remained on the inside had been watching, and one of them was talking on a TC, probably reporting Morgan's murder. Or informing her father she had managed to get through the gates. She swallowed.

"Put down your weapons and I will not kill you," Zanr grated. He was a warrior now, not the man who'd made love to her last night - the man who was so afraid of the nanos in her body.

"Fuck, you freak," the guard said and managed to release a shot with his laser pistol, but the laser beam bounced harmlessly off Zanr's uniform. He stepped up to the guard.

"Zanr, no," she screamed.

He paused and looked at her. "You wish him to remain alive so that he can shoot us in the back?"

"Don't act as if that's a problem for you. You're bulletproof. And you don't have to kill him. Just make him unconscious."