Chapter 250: Going Home

A week later, Rose stood staring at the house she'd called home for such a short time in her life.

"They won't let me in," she told Zanr and felt her cheeks warm. He was invisible again. They'd decided that for the time being he would stay in camouflage. They'd parked a way up the street, lined with big, elegant two- and three-story houses, but she could see the guard station of her father's house from where she stood - a guard station that had been built after she'd forced her way inside the grounds one school holiday.

Rose squared her shoulders and faced the large gate that kept unwelcome visitors out. How many people had to get past security to be able to speak to their own father? How could he blame her for acting like a frightened child that horrible night? How could he throw her out when she needed his support so much? Then she remembered. He wasn't her father and he must know that.

A soft grunt came from the invisible alien next to her.