Chapter 296: Quiet, Human

We got lucky, it's still alive," one of them said.

Before she'd gotten to know Viglar, Madison had said terrible things about him and called him Frankenstein and worse, but she intensely disliked the way they called him "it." She bit her lip to stop her mouth from getting them into trouble.

"Leave, humans, or try to face your deaths with courage," Viglar said, extremely calm.

Madison revised her opinion on the intelligence of the resistance when they didn't turn around and run the other way. From her vantage point at the window of the shuttle, she could see Viglar and the twenty or so humans facing off. They didn't bring enough humans.

A young man, with blue-black hair and dark eyes burning with hatred, glared at Viglar. "You think you can frighten us with that sword, with a few traps."

"Remember the battle at No Name Town. They wiped out a lot of people with those swords," another voice said.