Chapter 297: Inbred Hoar

Madison hurried around the shuttle and found the wounded man sitting against the hull on the other side of the shuttle. "Come on, I'll help you get away." She tried to help him up, but he pushed her back. She fell and scraped her hands against the ground.

"Alien's inbred hoar. I don't need your help," he snarled and spat at her.

Madison staggered back. She was about to lay into him when a shadow fell over them. A big shadow.

Viglar loomed over them. Almost casually, he leaned down and backhanded the man. Madison cringed when she heard something crack. Again. "You will show respect," Viglar said calmly.

He took her arm and led her to the cushion by the fire. She expected him to read her the riot act, but instead he placed more disks at each end of the shuttle. She wouldn't be able to get to the prisoner, and after the way the man had spat at her, she was glad he wouldn't be able to get to her if he got lose.