Chapter 399: Priest

Sarah stared at the priest and tasted bitter gall on her tongue. She should've known the traitors would turn out to be someone close to her and a priest. It seemed Destiny still played with her. Sarah swallowed bile and clenched her fists. Not again. F - Stuff Destiny. She couldn't, no, she wouldn't endure this again. Nightmare images of the Reverend's basement flashed in front of her.

She'd had this sunny belief that Zyrgins were physically incapable of betrayal, that Srinisisa had acted alone. She should've known better. If she made it out of this alive, she'd agree to every security measure Zaar wanted. Even watching her in their room having tea with the other women. Her stomach turned. She'd never again be able to trust anyone enough to have them in her apartment, in what she thought was her safe space. She rubbed her aching chest. Srinisisa had taken so much more from her than her freedom.