Chapter 400: Brother and Sister in Evil

Keep talking, she thought savagely. Tell me all your plans so I can inform Zaar when he comes. She jerked her head away when the alien in the silver suit cupped her chin in his hand. He grabbed her face, then slid his hand down until his long fingers circled her neck, and squeezed until she saw black spots in front of her and heard a drumming in her ears. Through the haze of darkness, she saw savage enjoyment on his face. No matter the species, the differences in expressions, she'd recognise that sick enjoyment of another's pain anywhere. She forced herself not to struggle, but she could feel her tongue protruding involuntarily. He let her go and she gulped in air.

Coralinda laughed, the irritating tittering sound grating over Sarah's nerves. "You nearly killed her brother."

Like his sister, he pulled her hair and then, with a strange sound, that she suspected was supposed to be his version of laughter, he went to sit on a chair next to the Aurelian woman.