Curious minds tend to wander. When the call for action strikes, all I can think about is where to initiate my response. Lessons become more difficult as I can only think of treasure. While Pautina’s attention turns towards finding a new scroll in the library, that's the opportunity to observe.
My eyes peel away from the table towards the shelves. 'There must be a hidden chamber somewhere.' The main bookcases are placed along the walls. A couple of rows stand in the center of the room. The case that I need will most likely be set against a wall. From my position, I cannot determine which one to investigate.
I feel a hand on my back. Pautina returns with a bound text with an engraved plant in the leather cover. She opens the book and flips through the pages.
"I don't think that this is going to be a suitable subject for me," I say with a frown.
"Excuse me?" She smiles. "To learn what one can and cannot eat is a valuable topic."