Chapter 26: A Hunt for the Gate

The descent into the unknown makes my heart throb. Alas, upon each step spiraling down the staircase, I realize that I have been locked away in a tower. Images of lighthouses flash in my mind. Of course, this is not the place for guidance, but of torment. The only light that I see are from the blue flames adorning the walls surrounding the stairwell.

I reach a landing and grimace. 'There's bound to be another hidden chamber around here.' With a sick sense of curiosity, I place my ear against the stone. From my position, I cannot discern a sound. Yet, that does not disprove my theory.

As I continue down the flight of stairs, I approach more landings. So far, I count five. The statement suggests the possibility of five prison chambers. I shake my head in disgust. 'What's the point of Pautina holding males captive?' Perhaps, this tower is saved for those she has an attachment towards.