Chapter 27: A Fight for Flight

A skittering sound catches my attention. On the wall, I notice a spider similar to those during my sprint to the house. 'An extra set of eyes.' The assumption holds true as Pautina alerts the guards to my position. I can hear the rush of footsteps below and ahead of me.

My path towards the library is blocked. Four Sumerki guards with short swords approach with sullen expressions.

"Sdat'sya," the one in the center insists upon my surrender.

I shake my head. 'I rather die trying than to give up!' I shuffle forward when I notice the few elves climbing up the stairs. Shift my gaze and I see a noteworthy decoration. A knighted Sumerki armed with a spear stands somber against the stone. With deft hands, I remove the spear from the statue.

"I’m ready!" I cry out.