"I don't know what it means on Tunria, but here it is a friendly gesture," she said. Not that dripping sarcasm did her any good. It went right over his head.
And she'd thought having him trying to shake loose her soul would be the weirdest thing she experienced on board this ship. She could never have imagined this conversation. "I don't understand why you don't want me to smile at Amelagar. Don't you want me to be friendly to your men?"
"You are my human."
Aurora stared at him. "You're jealous." At least he didn't say she was his running human this time.
"What is this jealous?" Even while he asked the question, she saw his eyes stare straight ahead for a moment. Accessing their database? He blinked and focused back on her. "Yes, that is correct, I am jealous." He took up his knife and fork and calmly resumed eating.
The others, who'd stopped to observe their interaction, also continued with their dinner.