Chapter 26: Bite


"The deity the Tunrians worship."

"Prophet," Nebuchadnezzar corrected. "He was a prophet and not a deity."

She barely heard his answer. Three planets? Did that mean that there were more planets out there that supported life?

Boots scraped over the deck as the cyborgs rose and marched out. Only she and Balthazar remained, but she barely registered this. She sincerely hoped this three-planets thing was only a myth. Cyborgs were more than enough to contend with. Still, most myths were grounded in truth. Somewhere out there might be another planet that supported life.

What else might be coming for them?

"We will go to our cabin now, and you will show me your hooha," he said

The cook, who'd been clearing away plates, stood without moving and stared at them. A few cyborgs on their way out froze in place.