The room was so quiet, she heard outside noises: a guard change in the distance, the sound of what had to be cars. The room seemed to be built to block out sound, but she had exceptional hearing. "Who said that about your skin?"
"Someone who sat at one of the other tables. I couldn't see him clearly."
Those eyes narrowed, and he nodded. "I see. If anyone else insults you, you must tell me immediately."
His hand slid down, leaving her folds vibrating with pleasure where his fingers had been until he stroked her wrist. Did he want to drive her crazy with that soft touch that made her skin tingle and contract?
"I like the texture of your skin, and no, you are different from me but not ugly."
Anatu felt dazed. He thought she was beautiful.
He got up and knelt before her, and his eyes glinted up at her. "Let me help you take off your boots."