Chapter 72: Tunrians

A bright light filled the room, and a hologram appeared in front of them. It was the image of a male that looked a lot like the cyborgs, but John doubted this tall, very slender male, dressed in a long, white robe was a cyborg. He only needed a long, white beard and he'd look like a cross between a scholar and biblical.

"A clone, I assume," John said calmly. This was it, his chance to talk to the enemy of his enemy. Anatu sat statue-still, and he willed her not to move. He had no way to know if the clone could see them, as well.

The hologram stiffened, and his lips twisted in a sneer that transcended species. "I am a Tunrian. You may call me Abu-Waqar." He spoke perfect English but with a heavy accent. It was chilling that this alien had managed to learn their language. From how far away?

Anatu whimpered, but John didn't take his eyes off the hologram, barely aware of the sound.