Sam entered the office, a new phone in his hand. John motioned for his aide to stop the landline from driving him crazy with its insistent ringing. There was a word he'd never thought to ever use - landline. Something about the triangle set off the new landlines. When the cyborgs took out all the satellites, they'd been forced to reinvent cable technology. Ironically, the new technology was groundbreaking.
The triangle appeared, and all the ringing suddenly stopped. He and Balthazar stared at each other, the fiery outline of the fire reflected in Balthazar's eyes. The cyborg had made some overtures of friendship these last few months. John hadn't felt like making it easy for him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. He'd been thinking about that and considering how he could turn the clones to his advantage. Unfortunately, he had the strong feeling that the enemy of his enemy wasn't his friend. It might be a case of the enemy of his enemy being a bigger enemy.