Chapter 76: Beltisu

"What the hell are you doing?" John said from the doorway.

Before Anatu could answer, he punched Beltisu, who stumbled and staggered. Anatu stared at him. A human should not be able to punch a cyborg and do that much damage.

Beltisu touched his jaw, then honed in on John with murder in every movement. His lip bled. He was going to kill her human.

She grabbed Beltisu's wrists and kept her body between them. Male cyborgs were stronger than the females, and she was only able to hold him back because he didn't want to hurt her. "Don't you dare hurt my human," she shouted in Tunrian.

"I do not need you to defend me," John snarled and lifted her and set her aside - again something no human should be able to do.