She sat down next to him and stared down into her glass. She suddenly felt cold. "Woman."
"It was a woman who owned me back on Tundra." She swirled the milk. The clone who used to own her was the one subject she didn't want to talk about. "She was a clone from one of the oldest houses and very powerful." A frown from her had ruined many a clone from a lesser house. No one dared speak out against her or the corrupt practices she and her family carried out.
His eyes narrowed. "So, belonging to the right family makes you powerful on Tundra?"
"Yes. There are twelve people on the Bench - each from one of the most powerful families."
"The Bench?"
"Like your government." She didn't mind telling him this. He needed to know with whom he planned to ally himself.
"Do they have a president, like me?"
"No, but they are always fighting and betraying each other for more power. The most powerful clone on the Bench is called the lugal."
"How is the lugal chosen?"