They left the city behind, and tall trees and grasses flashed by her window. At last, they turned into a small road that eventually became a different kind of road without the black tar the humans used to cover their roads. She didn't want to admit it, but the tiled streets on Tundra were much prettier.
He motioned to the buildings that loomed in the distance. "Some of the bigger farms wanted to host us, but I thought you would enjoy a smaller outfit more."
Anatu nodded. She'd never get used to being among so many humans without all her weapons. "I like the places where there aren't so many humans surrounding us." And she liked the places that were sheltered from the open skies more.
"I agree, but let's keep that our little secret."
She sighed. "Those newspaper people should not be allowed such freedom."
His lips twisted. "Many humans have died to give them that freedom."