Phoenix Cries

Phoenix who was now in human form was surprised. He looked at Black Dragon who was talking to their Master.

"Master Seven" Nine-tailed Fox and White Tiger soon followed, they chanted his name with reverie and respect. Their voices were filled with excitement and happiness.

Hearing his voice, Phoenix couldn't help but tear up, his master was alive.

He had always missed him, even when he was asleep, the only person he wanted to see in his dreams was his master.

Phoenix couldn't help but reminisce the memories of the time he first saw his master and the days he spend with him.

It was a sunny morning, the sky was clear the wind breeze blows someone's long platinum blond hair. The man was wearing a simple toga dress, his waist was wrapped with a thin silk fabric showing off his narrow waist. His white skin glows as the sun strikes his beautiful face. He was standing in the middle of the field, he was singing a tune while picking medicinal plants in the vast garden.

His movements were light and held elegance. His steps were careful as to not destroy the plants on the ground, but surprisingly, the plants didn't seem to care whether he step on them, as they would bloom even more on the part where he left. The grass would become greener and the trees would bear plenty of fruits. The elemental spirits around were helping him carry his baskets while their wings fluttered as if they were asking for his praise. That was his first time seeing so many elemental spirits, after all, they were beings of the world that was not something anyone can contact.

The young Phoenix who saw him was mesmerized for a moment, the man look like a painter's masterpiece, you couldn't help but get drawn to such a work of art.

He immediately turns hostile as he realizes what race the man came from.

"A human!!!" he whispered to himself.

Humans may be the weakest among all the creatures in the world but they were the most treacherous being. They have the ability to adapt to any circumstances, they would worship the gods up above, praise the sacred beast, would offer money, food, anything if necessary just to survive. Above all else they have one thing that set them above others, they were able to integrate all the knowledge they learn from other races and benefit from it.

Just like how they were able to make pills and potions from the elves, used the alchemy of the dwarven kingdom, embarked on dark magic from the undead and demons, formed contracts with the beast, gain blessing from gods, and many more. So even if war was to befall the world, they continue to grow massively while other races decline in numbers.

He was following the scent of the plants because he was in need of immediate healing and so he didn't expect to arrive at a human's territory.

At that time he was beaten black and blue by his kind. In order to recuperate, he drags his injured body to look for some medicine because the clan doctor wouldn't even bother healing him.

He was one of the youngest in their group and was often left out due to his small stature which didn't fit their noble lineage. As the disgrace of their clan, it was better to leave him to die.

The man saw him in that state and help cure his wounds. He was still hesitating whether to believe him but he didn't ask for anything. He checks his injuries and helps him heal them.

He gave him pills and potions which he thought were low-grade ones however, those were not the case. He was beyond shocked when he ate those pills, in his clan, those pills were only given to elders and genius children. But he was consuming it like it was water.

These would cost millions if he were to sell them on the market, both human and non-human races would fight just to get a hold of them. Pills and potions were difficult to make and they were costly. Doctors and Apothecary needed to reach a certain level just to make high-grade ones. This type of medicine isn't even sold in markets but is directly auctioned. Not to mention the ones he took were much purer than high-grade pills.

He thought that the human who save him must be acquainted with a grandmaster-level pharmacist. He didn't believe a young man like him would be able to make this.

However, he later knew that he was the one who personally make them upon seeing him one time leisurely putting the medicinal plants inside a cauldron. The pills he make would number from 100 or more which was shocking. You also need to add the fact that the spiritual residue it emits was pure and tremendous.

He may not know anything about pharmaceuticals, but based on his swift movements, the colors, numbers, and the spiritual energy of the pill, the man must have been a high-level Doctor.

To pay him back he had decided to offer his life as his servant but his master just laugh it off. He said he didn't need to be his servant.

He was saddened upon hearing it, of course, who would accept a weakling like him to be their servant.

"You can just accompany me here, my house is huge, and I can still afford to raise more kids," he said and smile at him. It turns out his master didn't want to treat him like his slave but as a companion.

He decided to stay with him and that's where he learned that there are other beasts like him staying beside his master. They were also fortunate and were saved by their master.

His master introduced him to his new brothers and of course, he became vigilant however what he saw blow his mind.

It was such a bizarre scenario to see beasts of different kinds get along so well. Normally beasts would turn hostile to another beast especially if they don't belong in the same region.

The image in front of him was different, dragons of the west were chatting happily with the eastern dragons. The Fenrir's we're playing cards with the Griffins. The west and eastern continent have been at odds with one another. They would brawl at the sight of each other. The two sides couldn't accept one another because of their beliefs and culture.

On the other side was Taotie eating his food, in front of him was Vermilion Bird. Although the two were from the eastern continent, their kinds were the opposite. Sacred beasts like him, the dragons, and Vermillion Bird have pure spiritual energy, however, Taotie was different. He has dark energy similar to the undead and demons. Foxes were in a similar category as Taotie. So it was not wrong to say that they were nemesis.

He had thought his master was a beast tamer. Humans had a lot of professions and one of those was beast taming. However, he has never heard of a human beast tamer having this many familiar. Powerful Beast are all proud creatures so they wouldn't let themselves be subjected to humans this easily, more importantly, they didn't want to share their master with someone else.

The answer his master gave him was shocking," they are my family and soon they'll become yours too".

He was right, those beasts became his trusted comrades and family. Everyone accepted him despite his shortcomings and his master helped awaken his bloodline.

His dull feathers become vibrant and full. His size grew bigger and stronger than their leader and he became the envy of his clan. He was the only flame bird who awakened their ancestor's blood and so his master gave him the name Phoenix'.

His clan had wanted him to rule and take back their lost prestige, however, he declined that offer. He was only going to serve one master in his life and won't be subjected to others' commands. He already found a place where he belong so there was no way he would give it up just for that position.

Although he knew his master was strong and didn't need his protection, he wanted to be of use to him, but before he could help him, the world was destroyed by the demons.

Speaking of demons, he couldn't forget that loathsome guy, it was because of him that his Master had to sacrifice himself for everyone's sake.

Master had welcomed him to his home, despite the difference they have, it didn't stop his Master to help him when he was injured but why did he have to pay kindness with violence.

He didn't know why that 'demon' would do such a thing, he and his master were friends, at least that is what they believe.

The two even would travel the continent and though they were jealous of him monopolizing his master, they didn't complain because his smile showed happiness, it was very similar to how he would smile whenever he sing. The demon was able to make their master smile so brightly and so they could only concede.

However, the devil's true color is finally shown when the demons began a war with the other race. Many lives were sacrificed and the Master's human friend was captured by the demon king. To help the people and rescue his friend, his master didn't hesitate and slain all the other demons. The smile on his master's face was gone, it was replaced with sadness and pain.

He has always loved all the creatures in the world which were something baffling for his familiar. They all knew that his master was kind but he was still a human in the end, and so hatred was part of their emotions. Yet his master was different, he was crying as he kill those demons.

'I shouldn't be expecting too much from a Devil, he must have a trick master' he thought, they were evil to the core and would use anything just to satisfy their greed.

"Master you're finally back," He said happily. The tears he was holding back dripped on his checks. He silently thank the Gods for giving him this chance.