what actually happened

Marcus leads Serena out of the hideout to their parents home. thankfully their parents were still living in the same house as they when they were kids, he reaches home and briefly explains what happened to them, their parents couldn't help but she's tears of joy and of sorrow as well. Marcus helps Serena into her room, he hands her a glass of water and starts explaining what happened.

Michael sneaked into the higher ups territory not knowing his father was actually the leader of the higher ups, his father was already expecting him, he came face to face with him and you could see the rage burning in his eyes. he confronts his father about the things he did to you and his father said he did all that because when you two were little ,dad and Michael's father were bestfriends, they even wanted you two to get married but dad disagreed because he didn't want to force you into anything but Michael's dad got angry and that's when he decided to ruin you in a way no man would ever look at you twice so that dad will come back begging on his knees for forgiveness. what pissed Michael off was when he said he enjoyed having sex with his little sister and was planning on having sex with you too. unexpectedly Michael took out his gun and shot his dad in the chest, before he died he said he had already sent men after you, without wasting much time Michael freed me, if u remember I was kidnapped with you on that same day and they had threatened you that if you didn't become a prostitute they would kill me. Michael called Liam and asked him to burn the whole place down so that every information they had against you could be burnt along with his men.