you are free

we got into the car and he drove as fast as he could but it was too late, his dad's men had already raided the place and as he was trying to protect you he got shot in the head and passed on. but ser he wanted me to tell you that you are free, just live your life the way you want and he was glad he was able to play a part in your life and he is sorry as well that you had to go through this shit because of him. after a while Marcus asked "ser, did you love micheal". Serena nods her head positively she fell in love with him the very first day they met at the club. Marcus sighs and leaves the room. surpringsly Serena didn't cry at all even as Marcus narrated what happened she didn't shed a tear.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months turned into years, it was exactly two years since Michael died and like every year ser visited Michael's grave. she never attended Michael's funeral, she felt too guilty to attend but she did meet micheal's bestfriend Ronald robero and the poor guy shed tears more than she had seen anyone cry before as he narrated his friendship with Michael which made her feel more guilty