Eaten Alive

But, shortly after they began the chase, they realized something weird had happened, something troublesome had happened as they realized that, if they do not sprint at their full speed, this prey of theirs might actually escape!!




Similar to the top speed of a cheetah, Saber ran through the forest on all fours as he reached a speed that he did not know was possible for the current him. He also realized that his toenails seemed to have changed, and became longer and sharper similar to those wolves back in his homeworld.

The eight or so wolves behind him had long begun running at their full speed, yet the distance between him and those beasts only increased over time. Yet, Saber couldn't feel happy, since there was this anxious feeling he had gotten ever since the trail that he had been following, began to suddenly have abrupt curves.

Suddenly, while running, Saber turned his gaze back to the pack chasing him because his warning bells began ringing in his head. He had a bad feeling budding in his chest, and when he turned his gaze toward the pack of wolves chasing after him, what he realized was, that there seemed to be a wolf missing from the pack.

It seemed that only seven wolves were chasing after him, this realization immediately gave him butterflies in his stomach for some unknown reason. Deciding that with a quicker speed he'll be able to outrun whatever plan mere brainless beasts made, Saber focused fully on the trail ahead of him as the distance between his opponents and himself expanded once more.

As Saber ran through the forest and approached one more bend in this trail, in the corner of his view, he was able to pick up on a shadow. But, his momentum was already too much for him to slow down, and even if he could, right now he was running on adrenaline...if he was to stop now, he might end up in a very dangerous situation.


A mini explosion was heard throughout the surrounding thirty or so meters, the cause was Saber's body being impacted by a black-furred wolf who rammed into Saber's rib cage! This action sent the body of Saber uncontrollably flying away as it even went through a few trees.


The sound of another explosion occurred as the other seven wolves reached Saber's body and attacked him while he was still flying through the air in an uncontrollable state. His body and mostly his rib area were seriously injured as Saber felt as if a few of his ribs were destroyed. He was unaware of where he was, but all he knew was that his luck had seemingly run out.

With a fleeting consciousness, the last thing he saw, was the eight wolf figures surrounding his body while letting out angry growls. Looking at that mouth which opened and revealed rows upon rows of sharp teeth, Saber couldn't help but curse his luck as his consciousness then began to completely fade away.



Crunching noises resounded in the surroundings, the eight wolves ripping away at Saber's skin as his muscles and dark blood splattered all over the dirt of the forest grounds. They slowly ate away at his body, as the pain was so much that even when unconscious, Saber felt it and was awoken. The sequence of losing consciousness and gaining it back continued throughout the next hour along with immense pain which did not stop for a bit.





Saber struggled to get up with only one leg and an arm remaining with his body. Surrounding him, was a pack of eight wolves who had dark blood leaking through their seven orifices as it seemed that they were poisoned by Saber's poison physique way before they were able to kill him.


At this moment, Saber was currently missing most of the skin on his body as his clothes were already long destroyed. Even though he tried multiple times to weakly get up on his one foot, he was too weak, which then made him fall back down to his knee.

Deciding that it would be better to crawl in the direction of the sound, Saber began slowly crawling with one right leg and a left hand. With a sandy surface to crawl over, and his muscles exposed, the pain he felt could not even be imagined by the average mortal.

Slowly, Saber crawled through the woods, but, when he had traveled for around twenty meters, a sudden hunger began gripping his stomach, causing him to reluctantly go back to the location of the eight wolves.

Another two minutes passed before he finally reached the location where he was nearly eaten alive. Already accustomed to the carnivorous act, Saber bit down into the body of one of the wolves and first began by sucking the blood of the dead wolf as he then ripped the skin apart with his sharp canine teeth.

Seeing the blood and muscle spill out, Saber quickly began biting down toward it and pulling it out of the wolf's body, he then chewed it and swallowed shortly after. No matter how many times someone from the modern-day world saw this scene live, they would definitely feel like throwing up but, Saber, who was the one doing the act, felt nothing wrong with it...instead he took pride in being able to do acts such as this. He felt as if this was his reward for technically killing another prey even if said prey was almost responsible for his death.

'With this, my regeneration will quicken and my strength will also skyrocket!' Saber thought with excitement. Though he was in great pain, the prospect of increasing his strength delighted him as he knew that in a world where the strong are absolute, weakness was never an option.

Without knowing it, Saber already fell into the thought process which Zeno wanted. While totally oblivious, Saber was becoming to think in a way that his servant and butler wanted. One can call it manipulation or luck but, Zeno would not and did not care what other people would feel and currently felt about him and his master...

The only thing that mattered was for Saber to become the monster that he needed to be simply to survive. Zeno knew his master's future would be difficult and painful, so this is why he decided to send his master to this world first.

A world filled with nothing but beasts, a world where Saber will have no choice but to find his inner self. Whether that be an everlasting savageness or an infinite calmness, Zeno's ultimate goal for Saber in this world was for Saber to enter the utmost primal state, a state in which he'll be able to awaken what beings only in his race can!!!

Anyway, as Saber finally finished eating his meal, the sun began rising causing him to get up with renewed strength. Though he was still missing two limbs, with his current amount of energy, he would be able to make it to the location from which the sound was coming with a few minutes of jumping on one leg.

Even if his current strength wasn't at his peak, he already felt that he was currently even stronger than when he had just met those wolves. He felt as if even if he was missing an arm, once he had both legs, then he would be able to take on all eight wolves!!