A Battle To Rule (Part 3/3)

Even though his perception was becoming even more clear, he was unable to catch even a shadow of this humanoid bird!! His eyes were bloodshot and the veins in which surrounding his eyes bulged as he entered a mysterious state of mind.

His body began vibrating as he suddenly disappeared from his position...no, it seemed that he was long gone from his position since he was currently sending a punch toward the humanoid bird as they fought a few kilometers away from the crater formed by Saber's fall.




They bought exchanged fists but Saber had realized that the bird was merely playing with him since it was easily evading his punches. It would then send a punch toward his face, and because of its immense speed, Saber was unable to keep up.


Another punch landed on Saber's nose sending his face rocking back with enough momentum to dislocate even the neck of the humanoid lion that he previously fought. Saber used this momentum to distance himself from the bird so that he can calm himself and properly assess his current situation.

But, just as he slowed down midair, an elbow connected to the back of his neck as he was once again sent spiraling toward the ground. This time though, Saber wasn't going to get off the hook with a mere few broken bones since the beast aimed its palm toward Saber's location.



Dark energy exited its palm causing a massive explosion to occur. Saber's body was sent flying toward the ground with an increased speed as uncontrollably impacted the ground. Blood leaked out of his mouth as he began losing consciousness.

But, even that seemed impossible since, just as he was about to lose consciousness, the beast landed on the ground and sent a kick to his ribs of Saber. The contact of the humanoid bird's foot sent the body of Saber flying hundreds of meters and into a mountain of ice.


The ice from the mountain worked perfectly as a jumpstart since Saber immediately regained full consciousness. He was left speechless from the last round of attacks with the beast as he realized that his speed was sorely lacking if he wanted to stand a chance against the humanoid bird.


Suddenly, a cracking noise resounded throughout his close surroundings, a cracking noise that originated from inside of his body. He felt as if something was being forcefully attached to his body as soon after, he felt two extra limbs on his body.

More accurately put, the pair of muscles that he once called the latissimus dorsi which was located in his middle back region to his lower back region, suddenly felt as if they gained a new property as two blood-red wings appeared protruding from his back.

He was instantly able to gain a fair mastery of the uses of these wings as he then smiled and thanked his evolution ability. If it had taken a human form, he definitely would have married it. Anyway, with but one thought, Saber appeared right behind the beast who sent him into such a horrible situation!

With a sadistic smirk on his face, Saber sent a punch toward the neck of the humanoid beast. A punch that went straight through its body thereafter, Saber realized that the body of the beast began fading.

'An afterimage?!'

Saber thought in alarm as he felt an incoming danger. He immediately disappeared from his location as he was able to see dark energy contacting the ground he previously stood on and then exploding.


The debris from the explosion was sent in random directions as Saber did not bother about it even when it contacted his body. His bodily strength is so much that such debris felt like tickles. Right after, he disappeared and appeared a few hundred meters in the sky, in front of him, was the figure of the humanoid beast.

They stared each other down before Saber attacked once more. The monster dodged Saber's attack and replied with an attack of its own. Saber this time was able to catch a glimpse of its shadow but was still punched in the chest.

He was sent flying back and instead of doing anything to counter-react, Saber used the momentum to increase his speed as he flew in the opposite direction of the humanoid bird, causing it to chase after him.

Their speed reached unbelievable levels as they quickly reached over the waters Saber fought against the ruler of water in. They exchanged blows and slowly but surely, even though he was gaining multiple wounds, Saber was beginning to be able to see the humanoid bird's movements.

They again began flying at incredible speeds as they appeared over a certain rocky field filled with weak beasts. These beasts were obliterated by the mere shockwaves of Saber's and the humanoid beast's attacks as the bodies of Saber and the humanoid beast disappeared once more.

Appearing over a one-kilometer body of water, Saber was able to finally land his first hit which sent the beast flying into the pond and through a certain cave wall as it appeared in an even smaller-sized body of water.

Saber's blood-red wings flapped keeping him afloat as he saw this scene. Analyzing his surroundings, Saber only now realized that he was on the other side of this world. His wounds began healing as he was suddenly assaulted by a pang of intense hunger, but he knew that he couldn't eat just yet since he had to finish off his opponent.

"Unlike you whose physical stats are more focused on speed, my stats are always even. Even if my speed is continuously being increased, my strength and stamina along with my energy would also increase the same amount...so, that punch you took, isn't something even you could get up from!"

Saber said with a smirk on his face. He then stretched out his finger and said.

"Energy Beam!"

A small beam of dark blue energy then left his finger as it zoomed across the atmosphere and penetrated the chest of the humanoid bird, destroying its heart in the process. Saber gazed on with a smile plastered on his face as he then suddenly began feeling light-headed.

His body staggered as his wings disappeared from his back. He saw the world spinning as he began losing consciousness. The last thing he saw was the notification by the system which read.

[ Leaving This Planet- If the master wants to leave this planet, all he needs to do is become the strongest. Once you are the peak power in this world and rule all three realms, I will personally come to send you to the next world.

{Notice- Since the master is losing consciousness, the system will contact the system administrator and transfer the master's results. When the master re-awakens, he will already be present at the location of his second trial...

The second world-The Sage World}

Goal-Rule all three realms


Score- 85/100

Reward- 1000 Kill Points ]

Thereafter, Saber lost his consciousness as his body descended toward the ground. But, just as it was about to land on the ground, a bright light suddenly appeared as a pair of hands caught Saber's body.

The being then made his appearance. Gazing toward the face of his master, Zeno couldn't help but praise him.

"I am unable to believe you have such talent but, it is to be expected from you. It is to be expected from a lifeform higher than any other. As a member of our race, it is to be expected that one is extremely talented and to be the most talented prince of our race...




(End Of Volume 1)