A Battle To Rule (Part 2/3)

'Mach 11!'

Saber thought as he appeared 4 kilometers away from his previous location in but a mere second. Next to him on his right side was the lion who stood as if he was always there. Saber immediately knew that the humanoid monster wanted to prove that it is better than him in speed.

This fact caused him to let out a wild smirk as he thought of a punishment that'll be satisfactory to the lion who dared to look down on him.

"Haha, aren't you the ruler of these beasts? Well if there isn't any, would you not be a ruler?" Saber said, instantly after, the beast's face turned into a frown as he placed his hand on Saber's shoulder with lightning speed.

It was so quick that his left hand seemed to still be by his side, yet it was the same left hand on Saber's shoulder. But, even now, Saber's face did not show any shock. There wasn't any emotion at all, as if he didn't have any emotion.

Well, saying he did not have emotion would be accurate since an afterimage was unable to. Such afterimages were left in multiple places throughout the surrounding thousand kilometers as Saber appeared tens of kilometers away from the lion in but a mere instant.

'Mach 205'

Saber thought as he use his brain and memories of his old world to calculate the speed he was currently going at. His body stopped only for a mere moment since the beast also appeared next to his right shoulder.

Their afterimages were left at random places throughout the thousand kilometers, wherever these afterimages stayed, multiple beasts had their heads obliterated into a blood mist as their bodies fell lifelessly to the snow ground.

Their movements continued for another thirty seconds as they traveled through every nook and cranny of this landscape. Simultaneously, during their running, they traded multiple punches as the upper bodies of both opponents were bloodied by not just their blood but their foe's own as well.

Saber had a bright smile as he ran through the field of dead beasts with his opposer by his side. Suddenly, and with great confusion, Saber found himself flying at breakneck speeds toward the skies. Right before he could process what happened, the veins in his chest bulged as he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.


At the same time that Saber spat out a mouthful of blood, a mini-explosion which was the sound of the attack that Saber received suddenly resounded! It seemed that the noise only reached Saber's ears after he had begun processing that he was attacked.

Saber balanced himself in the sky as he took less than a second to process how to use his energy to stay afloat in the skies. His opponent also appeared behind him and instantly sent a kick towards Saber's back.

But, before it could reach Saber's upper back, Saber ducked under the kick and sent a back kick toward his opponent's humanoid chest. The kick which was sent toward Saber's upper back contacted with nothing but air and caused a sonic boom, but the kick from Saber contacted the humanoid lion's chest, sending him flying thousands of meters through the skies.

"Aren't you the ruler of the land, why are you looking to fight n the skies?" Saber said before disappearing from his position. His body appeared a few tens of meters behind the flying body of the humanoid lion.

A few seconds of floating later, the humanoid beast finally reached Saber's location as he tried to regain his balance. But, before he could, he was met with another kick from Saber which sent his body spiraling toward the ground.

A 20-meter crater was formed by the contact between the earth and the humanoid body of the lion monster. Saber gave him no chance to regain his bearings as he pointed his palm toward the crater and shouted.

"Energy Beam!!!"

Suddenly, a beam of dark blue energy streaked across the skies and descended onto the unmoving body of the beast. An explosion thereafter occurred that destroyed anything in the surrounding hundred meters.

The potent energy contained in the beam startled all living creatures who were strong enough to sense it. Every creature in the surrounding thousand kilometers was immediately left shocked by the fact that something was able to release such concentrated energy since they never felt something like that before.

"Hmm, that was incredibly anti-climatic!" Saber said. He was unable to figure out why a Level 3 Energy Maneuvering lifeform such as the humanoid beast, was so weak. He then began his descent toward the ground while a holographic screen appeared floating in front of him.

[ Leaving This Planet- If the master wants to leave this planet, all he needs to do is become the strongest. Once you are the peak power in this world and rule all three realms, I will personally come to send you to the next world.

Goal-Rule all three realms

Completion-(2/3) ]

'Hehe, I am unsure if by the time I'm finished, will there be anything to rule?' Saber thought with a slight smirk on his face. As his feet landed on the ground, he began walking toward the crater hoping to at least find a substantial amount of meat from the humanoid lion so that he'll be able to taste the difference between a beast and a slightly intelligent beast.

But, just as he was about to reach the edge of the crater,


An explosion of dust occurred. Thereafter the dust cleared, Saber was able to see the figure of a lifeform with a humanoid body, a long crow-like beak, and a pair of wings that had a span of 2 meters each.

Saber was stunned by its intervention as before he could even reply, Saber felt as if something sharp implanted itself into his chest. Darting his gaze to his chest location, he was left speechless by the fact that the beak of the new lifeform was embedded into his chest.


Saber reactively sent a punch toward the beast's face, but shockingly, his hand hit nothing but air as he then felt as if something was looking down on him. His gaze instantly shifted toward the skies as he saw the humanoid bird flapping its wings while its sharp glare was on him.

"Haha, it seems that I'll be leaving this world today!" Saber said since he would not need to worry about searching for the ruler of the skies. His figure began levitating as he then shot toward the beast who was a couple of dozen meters higher than him.

But, before he could reach anywhere near the beast, and even with his inhumane speed, Saber was suddenly unable to perceive the location of the bird monster. His confusion was clear and visible on his face, and before he could even properly search his surroundings.


He was chopped behind his neck by a backhand. His consciousness disappeared for a few seconds while he was spiraling to the ground. In that few seconds, his body was on the receiving end of a multitude of punches, causing him to have a bruised and battered body. His face contorted to a frown when realizing that some of his bones were broken.

He couldn't believe it, his was completely outmatched in speed. It was such a huge difference that even though he knew that he was still continuously evolving, his perception was becoming even more clear, yet he was unable to catch even a shadow of this humanoid bird!!