

The emotion that plagued all members of the whole of the Sword Art Sect. When asked the chances of a cultivator winning against someone who is a realm higher than them, most would say that the chance of someone winning would be under 2%.

But, such things are only doable for Inner disciples of the Sword Art Sect. Most would laugh at such a question and not take it seriously. Then again, it isn't as if they'll truly be lucky enough to see it in their lifetime.

Yet, here they are, seeing a cultivator kill another cultivator who was realms higher. Wait!! Not A realm higher...No, the difference was 2 realms. When asked if they would ever think of a cultivator killing another who was 2 realms higher, then they wouldn't even take it as a joke and instead, find it annoying to say such unrealistic things.

The news of Saber, who was a mere Spirit Formation, killing a Golden Core cultivator was passed to all ears in the sect at incredible speeds. The same elder who had previously told Saber he wasn't going to reach the Inner Sect was at this moment regretting his decision.

His reaction was that of shock and then regret. He felt as if he aged another hundred years after he heard the news. Maybe if he had better carried about himself and even gifted Saber a little Spirit Stones, then he would have gotten a connection to the Inner Sect.

One must know, inside the Sword Art Sect, the Sect Master was not only ruthless toward the disciples but was also ruthless toward the elders. The Sect Master stuck by the rule of no room for the useless even toward beings who served the Sect for numerous years.

On another note, Adrianna who peacefully cultivated headed out toward the mission hall to accept a mission and also heard the news. The interest she felt toward the being known as Saber was steadily growing. Not only was he similar to herself in terms of temperament, but he also dealt with an annoying human who had sent assassins for her when she had headed out on a mission.

But, that was all she felt toward Saber. Interest could be gained and lost in but a mere moment anyway, so she decided that for the near future, she will only focus on doing missions and building up spirit stones to enter the Spirit Tower.



The sound of a crow resounded out loudly on a cliff as one could see a black crow diving into a sea of dark red flames. In the epicenter of the flaming sea, one can see the figure of a man with a bare upper body, long fiery red hair, sharp and dashing looks, and sharp sword-like brows. His eyes seemed to be able to peer into the very fabrics of his surroundings as the black crow landed on his shoulder.

He then suddenly let out a devilish and dashing smile while he said.

"Hehe, my sect seemed to have given birth to another existence who seems to be able to reach the level of my disciples. I wonder, how long would it take for him though, 100, 200, or even 500 years? Well, it matters not, the Great Tribulation that is in the prophecy that this world will eventually face is said to begin in another 1,000 years.

I have enough time to teach him about the truth of this world and to turn him into a level of existence that is comparable in strength to even the Direct Disciples under me! But, first, he should work his way up to me. As they say, quality is better than quantity."

This mysterious redheaded man said, shortly thereafter, a sword appeared in his hand as the fire that was raging around him suddenly disappeared.




While all of this happened, the being who was the cause of all of this, Saber, was inside his house absorbing the memories of Noelle. Yes, when every being's eyes were staring fixated on his fight and his ruthlessness, he had taken Noelle's upper dantian. He used a speed that no one that he was currently aware of, would be able to keep up with.

His right hand had long yanked Noelle's upper dantian before his foot had stomped onto her head and turned it into a mist of blood. When Saber had first begun taking the upper dantian of living humans, he only felt refreshed by the feeling.

But, when he had eaten the upper dantian of the bandits, he realized that his Sage energy had increased in not only quality but also quantity. Because of that, and with the spirit stones he had gotten from the bandits, he was able to easily reach the rank of High-Level Spirit Foundation.

Inside of his mind domain was a platform-like structure that spanned for 10-meters and seemed to be the limit in which Saber could expand it, even with the help of his other half. Now with the Golden Core upper dantian of Noelle, Saber knew he would reach at the very least a Mid-Level Spirit Pillar cultivator.

What he did not count for, was the horrible memories that Noelle contained. He did not realize that humans have to undergo such tribulations in their life. He did not realize that the fat man whom he came across after now entering this world was doing such a disgusting act that could have caused such intense fluctuation of emotions toward the siblings of the female.

Even though the female did not have any siblings, Saber realized that the fat man in golden robes had still tried to do something disgusting and unforgivable. He, for the first time, sympathized with the humans. He, for the first time, felt slightly sorry for the humans.

Sensing these emotional fluctuations was his other half who also went through the memories as he couldn't help but ask his other half with his deep voice.

"Are you growing a heart?" His deep voice entered the ears of Saber, who couldn't help but reply with slight sympathy clear in his eyes.

"I feel sorry for them. Such useless emotions, such useless things keep them back from truly evolving into lifeforms that can be considered strong. These emotions that they think could help them or keep them 'human' are only holding them back...the saddest part about it is, that they are proud to have this thing called 'humanity' truly is saddening."

Saber replied to his counterpart with a tone filled with scorn. Though he felt sorry for them, for the fact that they suffer from such things, he felt even more disgusted with them for actually being proud of having such shackles.

His other half understood Saber's thoughts since they technically are the same as he replied.

"Well, every lifeform has a fault or two. Some may have slight faults while others like these humans have immense faults. Even we, beings such as ourselves have faults. Of course, when we finally become one, when we fuse we would then be considered without fault. Only then would we be considered a perfect lifeform. We would be the only perfect lifeform!"

Saber's counterpart said earning a nod from his other half. After staying a few weeks with his other half, Saber had long changed his ways of thinking, and he now placed the title of perfection on his shoulders!!