Here With Us


As easy as breathing, the android was slashed in half by Saber. A smile formed on Saber's face when seeing such a sight as he then disappeared from the views of the androids present.

He then appeared behind another android and slashed toward its neck. It was such a fast attack that the androids were only able to see an arc of dark light before their companion's head was cleaved off of its neck.

"Kekeke..." Saber laughed out loud when realization dawned on him that these androids seemed to have emotions. Thoughts were quickly processed in his mind about his current situation.

"Oi, little androids, do you guys have a master or something...?" Saber asked with a cold voice.

Goosebumps ran up the spines of the androids when hearing Saber's voice. His voice seemed to be the personification of the voice a devil would sound like.

They immediately realized that they held no chance of stopping Saber so they immediately nodded their heads like a scared little kid.

Saber's smile grew wider once seeing their actions as he then asked, "Well, where is him?" Saber's voice once again rang out in the tunnel, causing the androids to reluctantly point at the door behind them.

Though their actions were still robotic, they did seem to contain fear, hence the reason they were listening to Saber. Since it was now pretty obvious that the room held all the answers to why he along with the others were teleported here, Saber leisurely approached the door.

And, just before the androids were about to turn the knob on the door...


With a casual upward gash of his sword, Saber slashed apart the door of the room revealing only absolute darkness. Surprisingly to Saber, it was a darkness that he seemed to be unable to peer into without losing his sight!

Saber then walked into the room without any worry. But, before he did, one can see that the necks of the three other androids mysteriously were missing heads! Stepping in the darkness, Saber wasn't worried even if his night vision was seemingly countered.

He knew that there was a reason why they were teleported here and the reason why the androids appeared when he walked deeper into the tunnel. If he wasn't wrong, something very interesting was about to happen.

But, he stood there in the darkness for more than five minutes before realizing that the scenery wasn't going to change anytime soon. So, with this in mind, Saber decided to sit in a lotus position as his consciousness entered his Nascent Soul inside his mind domain.

Standing on top of his platform that spanned more than 1,000 meters located inside his mind domain, Saber began casually walking around the platform with his hands behind his back.

The color of his Nascent Soul had changed from the previous dark blue to a black that was even darker than a normal black.

But, he was able to perceive that somewhere, there was a purplish hue that was beginning to form around him, along with it, the purple also began appearing in his hair in the outside world.

While walking, Saber reached the edge of the platform as he was able to see the deep abyss-like waters that the platform floated on. Saber then stretched his hand, but as it was about to go outside the boundary of the platform, it was seemingly stopped by an invisible force.

'Once I begin creating my platform, my Nascent Soul wouldn't ever be able to reach that...' Saber thought while gazing toward the now abyss-colored stars in the skies. The star that had previously given him immense power when in the beast world.

I wouldn't ever be able to gain power from it again unless my platform covers such a distance!'

Saber thought with determination in his eyes. That was his current goal, he wanted to reach that star once more. He wanted to gain the power of that star once more...then, after he masters the power of that star, he'll move onto the black hole-like structure behind the stars.

'But firstly, I must increase the distance that this platform can cover.' Saber thought as he sat in a meditative position.

He then went on to begin drawing in the Sage energy from the outside world and injecting it into the platform where it then converts into his own black-colored Sage energy while also automatically slowly expanding his platform.

Even though his speed was incredibly slow, and it might take him even up to a decade simply to cover 10,000 meters and enter the mid-level of the Domain Lord rank, compared to others, Saber's speed was incredibly quick.

As he absorbed the energy, ever so slowly, the speed at which he absorbed increased. Yet, it was so negligible that even he didn't realize it.

Saber continued the process of the absorption of Sage energy for multiple hours before finally, there was a change in the outside world. Immediately thereafter, his consciousness then exited his mind domain as his eyes in the physical world opened.




(Hale POV)


I am completely useless in terms of fighting ability. Ever since entering this tunnel eldest disciple and I have met with multiple different ones of these humanoid creatures who had weird wires inside of their bodies.

They were strong, very strong as in fact I was unable to do anything to help Jayden after the first one. We continued heading deeper into the tunnel and eventually met with five of these humanoid beings at the same time.

At first, even I felt fear, but the eldest disciple did something that shook my very core. I watched with shock and in a stupor as Jayden casually walked in front of me and then took his sword out of his space ring.

Thereafter, with simply one horizontal slash of his longsword, a bright light escaped his sword that sliced the heads off the necks of these humanoid beings. My mouth instantly formed into an O shape as I couldn't believe such power was possible from a mere casual sword strike.

Such power.

Such technique.

Sword cultivators like Saber and I can only be called frogs at the bottom of a well.

Eldest disciple destroyed them with not only one strike, but he also destroyed the massive door that was behind them. Just the mere residue of his power was enough to destroy the massive door as if it was a knife cutting through butter.

He was in a different league compared to Saber and me.

With a gesture, he walked inside the deep darkness as I quickly followed behind. When we entered, the infinite abyss which was previously present suddenly disappeared as the space suddenly turned into a 20-meter white room.

From the corner of my eye, I was left speechless at the sight of Saber who was sitting in a meditative position and was seemingly cultivating.

Both faces of the eldest disciple and I suddenly turned extremely serious after seeing the face of Saber which had dried up blood at the corners of his mouth. Soon after, the eldest disciple cautiously asked Saber who had opened his eyes.

"Where are Ava and Alissa?"

Such a question seemingly caused Saber to feel happy since he let out a smile as he followed up eldest disciple Jayden's question by saying,

"Oh, they are here, right here with us. They are closer than you think." Saber said with a grin which gave me a fearful feeling in my chest.




(A/N: go check out the first chapter of my other novel, 'Rise To The Absolute Peak'...please>...<)