Devastatingly Attractive Duo


Saber exhaled a breath of what seemed to be dark purple air, as he opened his eyes. His purple iris shone even more beautiful as he had a calm and aloof expression. Elegantly, he stood to his feet as he then exited his room.

Descending the stairs that were at the end of the hallway, Saber entered the expansive living room, and soon after, he entered the kitchen where he saw the sight of Aegon devouring a mountain of food.


"Would you ever not be hungry?" Saber asked with a smirk on his face. But, Aegon seemed to be in a different dimension as he seemed to be one with his food, stuffing his face full, he did not have the time to hear the outside world.

Saber approached the fridge door and took a bottle of red juice while thinking.

'Sigh, I don't want to go to school.' Saber thought in sorrow. But, since he was told that school was very important to be able to kill to his heart's content, Saber would accept his fate.

Soon, both Saber and Aegon finished their morning routine and appeared standing on an odd platform that had intricate designs on them. Next to the duo was the brown-haired servant, as soon after, a bright light enshroud the trio as they disappeared from inside the mansion.




(Bruce POV)

Our classroom was a rather big square room. Each side was 20 meters long and the walls were painted white. There were many seats and chairs where we students stay. My name is Bruce, 782 years of age, and am currently gazing at the 63 other students in this class.

My gaze though, was as if it could peer into heaven's secrets, yet non of these students were able to perceive such a fact. Well, it isn't like if I want them to. Yes, I choose if they can sense me or not, that's because my strength is at levels higher than theirs will ever be.

The reason behind it is fairly simple. I come from the future, very far into the future. I was shocked to find myself back in my past when I was only 20 years of age. Since then, and using the technique I was lucky to find in my previous life when exploring the galaxy, I was able to become this class's president and the top genius of this school.

Although in my last life I was not a waste, I could not be considered a super genius like I am right now. Anyway, waiting for the teacher to come, I suddenly felt a dreadful feeling palpating in my heart.

I felt as if two monstrosities were staring at me, even though there wasn't anyone in this class present who could make me feel this way!


The doors of the classroom opened, revealing a dazzling woman with long bright orange hair and orange-colored eyes. She walked to the front of the room and said.

"Good morning, I'll skip the formalities even though this is the first day of the new semester. You people better be on good behavior since joining us from now on, are the two young masters of the largest company on this planet. Saber and Aegon, of the Chaos Dojo, please enter!"


Who the hell are those two?

I, someone from the future never went through this event. One must know, that I was still a genius in my last life, and was present in this class, I may not have been the prodigy I currently am, but I was still present, and have never undergone this situation.

As soon as my shock and confusion reached untold levels, two figures entered the room, leaving it in an unusual silence that has never happened before. Even when the principal paid a visit to my class, we haven't shown this much shock.

Unlike me though, the rest of the class was instead shocked by the appearance of the duo.

With short messy blonde hair and dazzling dark red eyes, coupled with his short height of 5'4, he seemed to be the epitome of demonic cuteness. The white tight-fitted turtle neck shirt he wore though, showcased his immensely profound muscles, creating a beautiful contrast between cuteness, and maturity.

On the other hand, the taller figure who stood at 6'4 had long purple hair tied in a ponytail. He adorned a turtle neck vest that was colored black. Over it was a long black overcoat that reached down to his calves. He had long black pants and steel tip black boots.

Both of their auras made it obvious to someone like me that they were incredibly strong, but there was something different about them. It was something that made one feel naturally inferior, something that ticked me off greatly.

Yet, this aura seemed to have caused the females in my class to go head over heels for the duo up front. But, I wasn't jealous, I would simply prove my dominance in the sparring contest that takes place every last school day of the week.

When those bitches see my dominance, they'll gaze at me with reverence!




(3rd POV)

Saber and Aegon entered the classroom and were welcomed by the screaming of females. Being the sunny person he is, Aegon whipped out a bright dazzling smile, and even though he was more cute than handsome, these females couldn't help but scream even more gleefully mainly because of his devilish appearance.

Aegon then proudly gazed at Saber who realized that his little friend seemed to be proud that he could get these females to scream for him. Being the slightly sadistic person he is, Saber's cold expression disappeared. A playboy expression took over as a devilish smile formed on his face.


Some had intense nosebleeds, while others felt as if they were seeing stars. Even the teacher couldn't help but nod her head in appreciation for the duo's attractiveness. It was pretty normal for this to happen since the duo did absorb their lust side, this increased their already high level of attractiveness.

The duo then walked toward the two empty seats at the back of the classroom while ignoring the lustful gazes of some females. Surprisingly, there were a few females who did not show the duo gazes filled with lust.

This, in turn, earned a nod of appreciation from the duo as they approached their seat. Saber and Aegon were still able to feel the gaze of killing intent from Bruce, as they couldn't help but let out even more dazzling smiles. Bruce did not take those smiles kindly.

"Hehe, someone is salty because he isn't a badass!" Saber mumbled under his breath when seeing Bruce's expressions. Only Aegon heard, and he couldn't successfully stifle his laughter as Bruce felt as if he was just made fun of.

'No matter your background, when I destroy you in front of everyone, I want to see where your current arrogance will be!' Bruce thought in his mind. Not only him but there were also quite a few males who thought the same.

"Okay class, since it is the first day of the school day, let us begin with introducing yourselves once more and telling us something about yourself. Let us start with Saber, followed by Aegon, and then the student closest to them" The teacher said...

Saber then stood up from his seat and declared.

"I am Saber of the Blade family and I am the Apotheosis!"