A Week In School

"I am Saber of the Blade family and I am the Apotheosis!" Saber proclaimed in a relaxed manner and calm voice. The aura he released made it so that no one, not even the teacher, could deny his statement. Well, no one besides a certain messy-haired blonde.

"Hey, when did I-" Before he could finish though, Saber interrupted his words and said. "Don't you dare say you are the pinnacle, anyone can simply order you around if they have delicious food, I, on the other hand, am flawless!"

Hearing his words, Aegon couldn't counter, he knew Saber's words were mostly right, but he did not want to believe Saber doesn't have an unperfect side. The rest of the people in the room that looked more like a prison went on to think they were being ignored.

Some males once more became angry at this fact. One must know that they were all from prestigious families anyway, so arrogance was to be expected no matter their age. Even if they had a bone age of close to 1,000, their mental age may not even be 15.

Normal mortals may experience plenty in 15 years, but, in the cultivation world, 15 years can be passed with the blink of an eye.

A century can easily be passed with a little meditation, and millennia can disappear after some seclusion. This was why most men, and women, young and old, were less intelligent, and more aggressive.

If this wasn't enough, imagine being locked up in a room for years upon years just to get stronger, then imagine that if you do not do it, you may get killed.

Many had different reactions when they live on the edge, and battle junkies like Aegon will enjoy their life, while evil people like Saber would live with a type of unusual calmness.

Of course, many may not know if Aegon who acts like a battle junkie, truly is a battle junkie, and Saber who is always calm, it does not mean that he'll necessarily be evil.

The hot-blooded 'youngsters' who grew angry because of Saber's statement are most likely under a lot of pressure from their families to be a cultivation genius. So when seeing someone so calm and naturally arrogant, they may feel that he isn't under pressure, in turn, gaining envy.

The world of strength and power was simply like that, there were the unbothered and the pressured who undergo extremities for no logical reason. It was a hard world to live in...




After Saber's arrogant words on the first day of school, the classes went on like normal. Saber and Aegon learned many things about this world and this school in general. One is the three classes that are taught in the school. Their names are as follows...

1.) Future Galactic Explorers- As their name implies, they are nurtured and groomed to fight in space and are also really good at hunting for treasures.

2.) Future Hell Explorers-The many gates in this world that pop up at random areas are normally first explored by them, and then the leaders of this world will send workers to extract technology or mysterious materials.

3.) The Superiors- Yes, like their name, they are treated as the superiors to the other two classes. It is also where Saber and Aegon stay. Everyone in this class is an elite among geniuses.

If they are body cultivators, then they would already have reached the Transcend Mortality stage, and if they are Sage cultivators, then they most likely entered the Spirit Tribulation stage, one step below the Immortal realms.

They are all under 1,000 years of age and are strong beyond comprehension compared to people their age.

Anyway, at this moment in time, the Superior class was approaching a training room in an orderly fashion. All of those males were grinning from ear to ear since they had been holding their rage back for five days.

Since it is now Friday, the teacher decided that it would be time for the usual assessment. Soon they appeared in front of a door where they then entered as their scenery changed.

In what appeared to be a large battle arena, a will bloodthirst grin formed on Aegon's face as it seemed he'll finally be able to battle with Saber. It seemed that they would finally get their well-deserved spar, without the interruption of those servants.

A few minutes later, one can see the figures of Bruce and another male with spiky black hair standing in a battle arena while +60 cultivators were watching them with interest.

Bruce had a smile on his face as he thought that this would be a perfect time to remind the class why he is number one. The spiky-headed male on the other side of the arena did not have an arrogant expression yet, he wouldn't give up since that would affect his prestige.

So with this in mind, they then began their clash as the boy used a pair of blades while Bruce held a spear in hand. It was golden and had many red carvings throughout.

As they clashed, from the get-go, it was obvious that Bruce was the stronger of the two as he even began teaching the boy in the middle of the fight.

One would think that this was out of the kindness of his heart, but only he knew that this was to embarrass the boy even more.


But, out of nowhere, Bruce realized that he was unable to move!

He was not able to even move his pupils to a corner of his eye, it seemed as if he was held in place by force.

The eyes of Saber and Aegon who saw this lit up as Saber asked Leviathan in his mind.

'What has just happened?!' Saber asked Leviathan with interest clear in his eyes. Though he did not appear on Saber's shoulder, Leviathan's voice reverberated in Saber's mind.

"It is shocking to find a human who has unlocked the shadow element. But, since it is happening in front of my eyes, it is pretty obvious.

That skill he is using, one can say its name is shadow pin, and only those who unlocked the shadow element can use it." Leviathan said. Saber's eyes lit up even more but before the spiky-haired man could attack Bruce who was held by his own shadow...


Bruce's aura exploded as his strength seemed to have multiplied by many times over, shocking every human and humanoid present. The teacher could barely believe the level of power she sensed from Bruce.

The duo of humanoids knew that Bruce did not have such strength before the battle, so to somehow gain such strength, both Saber and Aegon knew Bruce had some secret.

This caused a dangerous light to shine in the duo's eyes, making it seem that they wanted to dissect Bruce apart to see whatever secrets there were.


Bruce sent his spear toward the chest of the spiky-haired kid, luckily there was a chest plate preventing the spear to stab the kid, but the power did send the kid flying out of the battle arena and into the crowd of students who surrounded it.

With the defeat of the spiky-haired student, Bruce had the choice to stay and continue fighting or exit the battle platform. Of course, all males in the class hoped he'll exit since they wanted to be the ones to put the devilish duo in their place.

Yet, Bruce had something else in mind.