
"What an incredibly stupid decision it was to fight me." Saber said with an evil-looking smirk on his face.

Even though it was truly an evil smirk, the females in the classroom overlooked such an obvious sign that Saber wasn't like them, while the males simply found it annoying that the females were fawning over Saber.


"Do you think this school is the Chaos Dojo, there wouldn't be any parents there to help you when you are getting your ass handed to you!" Bruce followed up with a smirk of his own. A spear then appeared in his hand as he entered his battle stance.

Seeing this, Saber's grin widened as he took out his sword from his Black Ring. Since he knew that he wasn't at all near his peak power if he used his sword instead of bare hands, he decided to focus on raising his sword mastery for the foreseeable future.

Well, of course, that is unless he meets someone he can use his full power on.


The teacher's voice entered the duo's ears. Thereafter, both Bruce and Saber's figures disappeared from the view of most students in this class as they appeared as an illusionary blur. Of course, such speed wasn't worth mentioning for Aegon as he gazed on with clear excitement.


The sword and spear met, causing sparks to fly outside the arena that was only ten meters large. A pair of geniuses clashed, their attacks caused mini-explosions at times while their figures continued to flicker across the 10-meter-sized arena.

Saber was shocked to see that Bruce was keeping up even when he used half of his suppressed power. And Bruce's technique and spear mastery also seemed to have reached the peak of the High-level causing Saber to need to use even more strength than he intended.

'Since it is like this...' Saber thought. Thereafter, his aura spiked as he slashed downwards with his full suppressed power. A black line left his sword and flashed across the 10 meters in an instant, yet Bruce had enough time to also send an attack with his spear as a golden aura exited his spear.


An explosion shook the whole training room causing dust to rise and block the view of everyone!

"So strong?!" A few students muttered in shock.

As the dust settled, the students and teacher stood rooted to the ground in shock as they found Bruce lying on the ground with blood all around his body whereas Saber stood arrogantly and completely unaffected by the explosion.

"That was a good battle, I improved my sword techniques a little." Saber nodded his head while saying such words.

He hadn't expected someone other than Aegon to be able to make him improve, but this made him realize that maybe he needed to train even when he doesn't have Kill points.

'Maybe, this world may not be so bad.' Saber thought in his mind, oblivious to the many shocking events that'll be happening in the short future.

These shocking events were so close to happening that, at this moment, as Saber was approaching the stairs in the corner of the Battle arena to exit it since his opponent was unconscious, his movements halted as he sensed something incoming.


An explosion reverberated throughout the whole room.

Thereafter, a golden aura went on to cover the eyes of every human present as Saber shot his eyes behind him. There, he saw the figure of Bruce weakly getting up to his feet as Bruce's aura spiked.

Somehow, the spike in aura did not show any signs of ending, and it was only when it had completely overshadowed Saber's aura, did it stop rising! Saber's cold expression was broken, as for the first time in his life, he felt so much shock that it appeared clear even on his face!

"W-Where do you think you're going?!" Bruce's voice resounded in everyone's ears. The golden aura then disappeared, allowing for the humans to see the sight of Bruce, whose hair had turned golden, and along with it were his clothes and eyes.

"What is this?!" Saber mumbled in alarm. And even though it was not truly a question to anyone, in particular, Leviathan's voice quickly resounded in Saber's head.

"Unbelievable, it seems that this world contains secrets that may cause even high-end Immortals to come to destroy it. Master, Bruce seems to have comprehended the element of Invincibility!" Levi said with a tone filled with obvious disbelief.

With the appearance of golden Bruce, Saber's battle intent began rising as the teacher quickly ordered the students to take multiple steps back.

Even though she was the teacher, at the moment in time, Bruce had an aura larger than her own, while Saber, who was the son of the strongest human in the world, was walking with thick battle intent toward someone with strength higher than her own.

Even if she wanted to stop it, she couldn't.

One had immense strength, while the other had immense backing.

"So, is this all?!" Saber asked. Right after, his already purple aura became a shade darker while the purple turned more potent. His sclera turned black as his pupils turned purple. This was similar to Bruce's transformation and is something only people with elements can accomplish.

The only thing was, the duo weren't at a level where a transformation was normally possible, well it may just be the level of their element being something that normal mortals weren't aware of.

Saber's aura turned more sinister as everyone in the room felt a chill run up their spine.

Bruce, who had his arrogance boosted many times after his transformation and did not place Saber in his eyes previously suddenly turned solemn, after seeing Saber having his own transformation, he was momentarily left speechless.

Thereafter, he calmed himself and prepared to use some techniques from his previous life.

'Call me petty, but I am never losing to this brat who is still wet behind his ears.' Bruce shouted in his mind. His eyes shone with determination and the spear in his hand shone brilliantly.

'Advanced Technique Mastery!' He shouted in his mind. Soon after, both Bruce and Saber shot toward each other with incredible speed.

With their increased strength, both clashed with each other, causing the wind to churn and the battle platform to be obliterated.


On a different planet, such strength and speed would have been enough to destroy a continent, yet, the only thing destroyed here was the room as the human cultivators were sent flying tens of meters back and in another room.

Thankfully, there wasn't anyone present in the other rooms, or it may have ended in a disaster. Yet, the duo who were caught up in the battle cared little for such things as they continued clashing weapons.

The only person in the room being unaffected was Aegon whose eyes were similar to Saber's as the only difference was his pupils being blood-red instead of Saber's purple ones.



The duo clashed weapons for quite a bit of time.

The only thing keeping Saber from losing was of course his incredible strength that had increased many levels thanks to his elemental transformation. Bruce grew shocked over time as it seemed that Saber was beginning to slowly dominate the battle.

But, this shock quickly grew into fear when suddenly, Saber's veins that surrounded his eyes bulged, and his speed and accuracy increased immensely. Along with that, his sword began glowing a dark light that made it obvious to only Bruce.

Saber had entered Advanced Technique Mastery!