Aegon vs Saber (1/2)

Standing two meters away from each other, one can see Saber with purple pupils that were surrounded by a deep black that seemed to draw in the light of the surrounding.

In front of him, stood Aegon who, even though was shorter, did not give off a feeling less intimidating than Saber, since he also had similar eyes to Saber. Those scary inhuman eyes that could strike fear into any normal mortal!

"Let me ask you a question." Saber said in an evil tone. It seemed that his more wicked side began appearing as his control loosen, Saber then said. "Have you ever been in a life and death battle?"

Hearing Saber's question, even though confused, Aegon still answered. "Yes, I have. Plenty of times in the last two worlds I visited." His voice still contained that chirpiness and liveliness that it always contained.

"Oh really. I don't think so, because if you truly knew what life and death were, you never will have ever wanted to fight me." Saber said. His words confused many, as even those three servants observing were confused by their master's words.

Thereafter, Aegon saw Saber's body slightly trembled. Before he could even see it, Saber had disappeared from his previous position. But, his body felt it. After all, Aegon being the battle junkie he was, had entered many battles, a lot more than Saber. His Instantaneous Reaction had reached a level higher than even Saber.


An explosion occurred as Saber's punch was dodged by Aegon. The power contained was something that caused space to form spiderweb cracks and the very indefinite white space to shake violently. Yet, Aegon and Saber were unaffected as Aegon then sent a quick toward Saber's chest.

It was a kick that was refined after countless battles. A kick that also cracked the surrounding space, making one wonder, what kind of power had the duo reached. Their strength wasn't at such a high level even just yesterday!

Saber merely comprehended his Primordial Chaos to a deeper level, whereas Aegon spent most of his time training in the gravity chambers, yet, both had incredible strength compared to their past self.


Saber's legs pushed off the ground as he shockingly jumped over Aegon's kick. Landing back to the ground with elegance, Saber sent another punch toward Aegon. This time though, shockingly, Saber had killing intent obvious in his eyes.

With a dangerous light flashing in his eyes, Saber's fist was mere inches away from Aegon, yet Aegon smiled as he used his small body and ducked under Saber's fist. But, if that wasn't enough, Aegon then sent an attack of his own, using his elbow.


The elbow impacted Saber's sternum as Saber's body was sent shooting back in an uncontrollable manner. His eyes bulged in shock as he felt the intense pain coursing through his body. If not for the fact that Saber did not need air, he would have not been able to breathe.

His weird body though was still not able to stand up after receiving such an attack. He struggled to get onto his knees as he tried to get back to his feet. But, before he could reach to his feet...


A kick that threatened to send him obliterate his head impacted his nose bridge, sending his body flying once more. His consciousness, for the first time after reaching the stage of a True Lifeform, struggled to stay awake. But, after all, Saber was a being, a lifeform who could evolve indefinitely, and during battles, his evolution ability skyrockets!


While still flying in the air, a blood-curling scream left Saber's lips. It was a scream that caused the indefinite white space to shake even more, and thereafter, a wild and unrestrainable aura exploded out of Saber's body.

His body halted its uncontrollable streak and Saber remained floating in the sky. His previous evil smirk was nowhere to be seen. He had, for the first time since becoming a True Lifeform decided to turn serious as his focus honed in on the small blonde boy approaching his direction with inhuman speed.

Thereafter, Saber's body appeared in front of a shocked Aegon, leaving behind an afterimage that slowly faded away!


A punch...

A casual punch with his right hand...

With earth-shattering power that could destroy a low-level planet and turn its core into dust. Such power crashed into Aegon's body, and even with Instantaneous Reaction honed through many battles, he was unable to evade such a quick attack.


Aegon's body flashed through the indefinite space as his eyes were barely opened. With incredible willpower that should have not been possible for a 17-year-old, Aegon was able to just barely keep his consciousness. But, Saber did not give him any time to regain his bearing...


Saber, using his incredible comprehension ability, replicated Aegon's refined kick as cracks formed in the surrounding space. Saber had somehow appeared behind an unsuspecting Aegon and sent a kick toward Aegon's back. A kick capable of destroying anyone's spine.



The sound of Saber's leg impacting Aegon's back resounded throughout the indefinite white space. Thereafter, the sound of something cracking reverberated as Aegon's pupils dilated from the pain, and his fleeting consciousness threatened to completely disappear.


His body was sent upward but, before even 10 meters of being shot upward from Saber's kick, he met what seemed to be the rooftop of the indefinite space. Right after, his body crashed onto the floor of the space and formed a 10-centimeter crater.

With his barely conscious eyes barely opened, Aegon weakly tilted his head to his right, where he saw the cold and unfeeling eyes of Saber. A Saber who seemed to be completely different from his usual self, as even though he normally is cold and aloof, he now had a more mature coldness that seemed to contain a decisiveness that had never been there before.


Saber stamped his left foot onto Aegon's neck, causing his 'esophagus' to be destroyed. While he held Aegon in place with his left foot, Saber then said in a cold and sharp tone. A voice that felt as if it was an ice-burg...

"Aegon, I thank you for awakening me. But, for you to be useful for my future goal, you will also need to be awakened. So, I will give you one chance, transform into your True Form now, or forever be erased.

Do know, I am aware of the fact that you lesser Chaos beings do not have a healing factor such as myself, and a mere slice of the head would be enough to completely erase your existence."

Saber's cold voice resounded in the ears of Aegon.

His eyebrows knitted, and for the first time in his life, Aegon felt pain. One must know, unlike Saber who could enter his true form as if its child's play, those of the chaos demon race, or any other chaos race for that matter, would be forever changed once entering their true forms.

Probably because Saber had long ago fused with his counterpart, so he wasn't affected, and never will be, but Aegon knew that if he entered his demonic side, he'll forever be different.

Seeing his hesitation, Saber then coldly said.

"I see, so you choose death." His words and the killing intent radiating off of his body made it obvious to Aegon that Saber intended to kill him.

'Dammit!!' Aegon shouted in his mind as a red aura blasted out of his body.
