Aegon vs Saber (2/2)


A deafening roar reverberated throughout the indefinite space. The shockwaves from this mere roar caused the white walls of this indefinite space to form cracks. It was a roar that originated from Aegon.

An Aegon who at this moment was undergoing immense physical and conceptual transformations. His hair changed color as it became a dark red and his eyes which were already red and black turned a shade darker.

The aura escaping his body was dark red and the power palpating from it sent Saber's body flying back tens of meters.


Aegon grumbled as two large demonic black wings shot out of his back. Two long black and red goat-like horns protruded from his forehead as a red symbol that seemed to be a pentagram formed in the middle of his horns and in between his eyebrows.

Aegon stood to his feet and one can see his nails expanding. Similar to Saber, Aegon gained long canines as he acquired a wicked smirk on his face. His previous chirpy aura was nowhere to be seen and instead an evil and bloodthirsty smile was present.

On his chest, one can see the number on his suit changing to 450 as Aegon suddenly felt slightly heavier. He knew that he wouldn't be able to exert the full extent of his powers, causing him to mutter.

"Those fucking slaves, well whatever, I'm sure this will be enough to destroy the arrogance of Saber." He mumbled under his breath. Thereafter, he shifted his attention toward the True Lifeform who was the cause of this transformation.

"Saber, I have no other choice but to commend you for awakening me to my origins. I thank you for making me accept my demonic side, and for that, I will now show you the full extent of my power."

With those words said and done, Aegon disappeared and reappeared behind Saber. An afterimage that took quite a while to fade away was left in his previous location. Aegon, who saw Saber rooted in place then sent his nails into Saber's chest.

But, shockingly, what was in Saber's location was also an afterimage that had now begun fading away. Right after, Aegon felt a hand on his shoulder as a voice resounded in his ear.

"Well, I guess I would not need to whole back either." Saber said. Soon after, his suit was able to make the necessary changes to allow for five tails to sprout from Saber's back. Along with it, for the first time in a while, a pair of blood-red wings also appeared.

Similar to Aegon's wings, Saber's pair spanned 4 meters each as Aegon darted his gaze behind himself. Seeing the number 450 appear on Saber's chest, along with the sight of Saber's canines and his nails lengthening, Aegon smiled as the pair of demonic-looking humanoids disappeared from their previous location.


A flash of bright light suddenly lit the already bright white room as the figure of Saber and Aegon could be seen clashing fists with each other. But, just as quickly as they were seen, they disappeared and appeared in a different location in the room.

Bam Boom Bam Boom!!...

These attacks caused massive shockwaves that went on to cause spider cracks to form on the walls and ceiling of the gravity room. The duo had a smile on their face as their bodies began chipping away.

Yes, unlike normal flesh and blood lifeforms, Saber and Aegon's bodies began chipping away as this seemed to be what they considered cuts and bruises. Shockingly, just as fast as it came, Saber's cuts and bruises disappeared as his aura steadily rose.

Aegon on the other hand began slowly weakening as his skin paled. Yet, Aegon's wicked smirk did not leave his face. Even though he was 'dying', his lust for battle had taken over his common sense, and Saber did not show any visible signs to care for such a fact.


Saber's fist landed on Aegon's jaws sending him flying back. But, while in the air, Aegon's wings expanded, slowing his speed immensely. While in the air, and with a weak pale-looking appearance, Aegon began giggling while trying to catch his breath.

"Hehe...hehe...hehe..." His eyes shone with light as his aura began rising. Saber was confused by the fact that his aura was suddenly spiking, but soon after, he found the reason.

Saber caught sight of Aegon stretching his hand out, as a massive wave of red energy shot out of his hand and reached Saber's location in less than a millisecond.


Saber's shocked gaze watched down as he saw his right arm was nowhere to be seen. If not for his Instantaneous Reaction, he would have long been killed by such an attack.

But, the most shocking fact that caused Saber's skin to pale, was the fact that the red energy was somehow continuously destroying his 'cells' causing a situation where Saber's arm was unable to regenerate.


Saber formed an energy blade that surrounded his left arm. He then went on to slice up to the shoulder blade of his right side. Thereafter, a shocking scene occurred as Saber's arm instantly regenerated, but the most noteworthy thing was the scene of his skin becoming slightly paler.


Before Saber could shift his focus back toward Aegon, a fist brimming with a raw brute force capable of disintegrating even the most robust of Low-level planets then crashed into Saber's chin.


Aegon shouted as he dashed toward Saber's flying body. Appearing in front of Saber, Aegon, even though weakened, sent another punch toward Saber's abdominal region. Yet, before Aegon could react, Saber's body disappeared from his sight and reappeared behind Aegon.


With a refined kick to his ribcage, Saber sent Aegon flying into the ground, causing a 3-meter crater as Aegon's body crashed into the floor.

Floating, and gazing on with ice-cold eyes, Saber then pointed his right index finger toward Aegon's unmoving body as a small ball of purple energy began taking form in front of his finger.

"Primordial Energy Beam!" Saber mumbled. A purplish wave of energy then shot from his finger as it went on to blast into Aegon's unmoving body.


A dust cloud was left. As it settled, one can see the body of Aegon in a sorry state as his right arm and left leg had completely disappeared along with most of his abdominal region and even some parts of his neck region.

The only places left intact were his chest and his head as soon after, three figures appeared inside of the white room and next to Aegon. Bowing their heads to Saber, the brown-headed female servant then grabbed Aegon's arm and disappeared.

"This is why we prevented the two of you to fight previously. At that time, we still had not created the healing machine capable of healing you two from any state. The biggest problem was of course your different anatomy than us normal humans."

The blue-haired man said. A smile on his face as he gazed with reverence at Saber's descending body. Now appearing in his human form once more, Saber nodded his head and asked.

"When will he be back to peak condition?"

"In a few hours." The blue-haired female immediately replied. Thereafter, Saber stretched his hand out, as the servant gently placed her hand on his and a bright flash later, all three disappeared from the room.