Control Your Emotions!

And as his words landed in the ears of Branden's wife, his sword was completely unsheathed, and the two Immortals of the group who had yet to speak to Saber had for unknown reasons disappeared and reappeared next to Saber, causing Elissa, Branden, and Branden's wife to be left in confusion.

"Huh?!" Branden uttered in confusion...




"Y-You want us to fit inside here?!" The golden-skinned man asked a group of Sabers who had led them in an open field that had a 10-meter disk-shaped space vessel parked on it. In the front of the said disk-shaped spaceship, one can see the flabbergasted figures of slightly over 10,000 prisoners.

"Of course." Saber replied plainly. All Sabers then walked into the steps that led to the ship without bothering to see if the group of prisoners was following behind them. With no other choice but to listen to their 'leader', the group followed behind.

They entered with low expectations but were left shell-shocked after seeing the space contained inside.

"Shocked? This is why the Exypnos are the most important of you people. Strength, I'll have it all very soon, but such incredible ability to create...I will never be able to do it, and nor do I care enough to learn to. After all, I rather destruction." Saber said while his hollow pupils gazed at the short featureless faces of the Exypnos in front of the group.

There weren't many of them since the group of Immortals knew they were smart, they knew they might be able to escape the prison if there were too many of them still alive, so massacring most of their race and tortured those who didn't want to work for them is what the immortals of the earth did.

Exypnos aren't humans, so it was alright to exterminate them...

When that way of thinking entered the human Immortals' minds, they had no qualms in causing mass extinction once a race had zero features that made them look humanoid. It was a loathsome way of thinking that could cause anyone to sense a feeling of disgust when thinking of humans yet, Saber...

'I care little for such things. The humans do what they think is needed to survive, while I do what I want to do so to find and explore more interesting things and places...' One of the Sabers thought while he was in the mysterious realm fighting against another him.

The Sabers had begun thinking slightly differently from each other, yet nothing had changed at their core. Mortal things such as betrayal and changing personalities because of guilt weren't something Saber could do, and neither was it something that any other Saber could...

"You people...get yourself ready and find some rooms or places to rest because we are leaving now. Exypnos race members, follow me. I know you can fly this ship, but I want you to go to a planet that fits all of my requirements for training."

The Sabers ordered. One Saber led the Exypnos race members to the control room while the other Sabers led the group of slightly less than 10,000 to find places for them to stay.




"Huh?!" Branden muttered in surprise when seeing the two quiet Immortals on his team suddenly disappeared and reappeared next to Saber. On the other hand, Saber merely smirked when he saw Branden's reaction as he said.

"Don't be too angry Branden. One must always, under all circumstances, must remain in control of one's emotions. Especially if you find yourself with me as your opponent." Saber calmly said. His words caused Branden to grit his teeth in anger while Elissa's rash nature appeared.

"You bastard. Die!" Elissa shouted while a flaming red sword appeared in her right palm. Seeing this, Saber tilted his head and easily evaded the sword that had been stabbed toward him. Yet, Elissa only smirked arrogantly as everything in the throne room was suddenly covered in a sea of red hot flames.

"No matter what type of alien genius you are, a mortal has no chance against Immortals!" Elissa shouted as the group of five Immortals appeared in the sky. Branden, his wife, and Elissa then focused their attention on the two Immortals floating across from them.

One Immortal had shoulder-length blonde hair and a beautiful appearance as well. Her eyes flickered with a silvery hue at times. While the male floating next to her had delicate and feminine features with fluffy brown hair and long brown eyelashes. His pupils had a yellowish-orange hue around them.

"Theo, Sophia, why would you betray humanity? Why would you betray us? And to join a losing battle no-less." Branden's wife, Alissa asked with unwilling eyes. Yet, the brown-haired Theo then said.

"Losing battle? I think you have it wrong, Lord Saber can't lose. All we did was join the side that had the highest chance of winning. You three are the ones fighting a losing battle!" Theo said without any clear emotions on his face. He looked similar to an emotionless puppet, making one wonder what had Saber done, and more importantly, when had this been done anyway?

"You fool, can't you see how weak he is. Simply one attack from me could wipe him out." Elissa shouted. Branden on the other hand suddenly felt a bad premonition. And, as if to confirm, a voice resounded in the ears of everyone present.

"I think you're looking down on my strength too much...Elissa." Saber stated while appearing behind Branden's body. His hand still gripped a sword while an evil smile had formed on his face.

"Huh?!" Elissa yelped in alarm as she spun around and stared in a stupor at the floating Saber. Braden couldn't help but ask while he also flew a few meters back.

"How did you survive such an attack?!"

"Hahaha...survive, you didn't even attack me yet you wonder how I can survive." Saber said while stifling his laughter. Alissa entered a state of confusion as she couldn't help but utter.

"Didn't attack you...what are you talking about?" When hearing what was said, Saber tilted his head in confusion before he realized that the trio he currently faced wasn't aware, so being the kind soul he was, Saber pointed his finger toward the location where the castle was previously situated.

The trio confusedly gazed downward at the sight of the dust clearing and then the bodies of a certain duo making their appearance. It was a sight that showcased a pair of Immortals who went by the names Theo and Sophia lying dead on the ground with charred bodies.

"As I once told you, please don't ever lose your emotions in my presence, otherwise you'll find yourself in an illusion." Saber said with a smile on his face. Instantly, Branden shot his gaze toward the two figures he previously mistook for Theo and Sophia.

What he saw were two figures that had appearances similar to that of Saber. Two figures that held that signature hollow eyes of the one and only Saber...

"Hmm, why are you looking at me like that. Did I do you something?" One of the Sabers asked. Wrath coursed through Branden but it stopped when his eyes caught the figure of his wife, Alissa rushing toward the figures of Sabers in pure rage.

He wanted to stop her, but it was already too late...

Saber's gaze brightened when seeing such reckless actions and unstable emotions as thereafter, an explosion that shook the very planet occurred.