Dawn's Element


"Why the hell am I on your bed?!"

Assessing his surroundings properly, Saber couldn't help but ask the figure who sat on a chair next to the bed, why the hell he wasn't in his room.


"Such a feisty tone toward some who you should be thanking.

Fainting in front of a waitress who would of no doubt reported it to her superiors would cause this information to enter that man's ears.

Thereafter, such curious humans would be quite interested in why an Immortal Cultivator had fainted for seemingly no reason.

Have you not realized that I've saved you from the greed for knowledge of humans."


Saber's expressions froze as the memories before his body fell unconscious streamed into his mind.

"T-Thank you."

Realizing his mistake, for the first time in his existence, Second Saber thanked someone as his slightly lowered head showcased his unwillingness to do such an action.

A smile formed on Dawn's face since Saber's expression was rather similar to an embarrassed kid.

"How long exactly have I been unconscious?" Saber asked as his eyes flashed with coldness. He was still angered greatly by the scenes he saw on the sixth floor of hell...

"Hmm, well, the time I've spent watching over you would be around three days, but the time outside this room would be..."

In between his sentence, Saber's expression darkened as he realized something wasn't adding up.

He was clearly in a tournament and he knew that it would have taken merely a couple of hours give or take for those battles to come to an end.

If he was truly asleep for three days, his situation would currently be very different.

"But, if you want to know how much time has passed in the world outside this room, then it would have been merely a few hours."


Saber's raised eyebrow expressed his shock as he quickly picked up on Dawn's hidden meaning behind his sentence as he replied.

"So, you're saying that you manipulated time...?!"


Yes, it was the only reasonable explanation that Saber thought of for Dawn's previous words, and Dawn quickly confirmed it.

"Yup, but it wasn't merely time I manipulated but also the element of illusion.

And for that waitress, since she was present for your show of power, I also needed to re-write her memories slightly."


The floors of the room cracked as Saber's rising aura caused the air to churn and spider cracks to form on the walls.

It seemed that this Dawn had been a lot more complicated and mysterious than what Saber had previously made him out to be.

Thinking he was merely another Aegon who would pose to be a temporary rival in power, Saber didn't place too much focus on actually trying to peer into the secret of the figure named Dawn.

"So, are you implying that you're able to steal other's element or something?!"

Saber asked out in confusion. Saber thought that Dawn had an ability similar to his ability 'Devour'.

But, he would be proven wrong almost an instant later as Dawn replied.

"Hehe, what, do you not think of their being an element which can manipulate and control other ones?"

Dawn's eyes flashed golden as he said these words, Saber on the other hand finally got serious as his eyes flashed with a dark purple aura.

Saber knew that his Primordial Chaos was the culmination of all elements fused, so there being an element able to control other elements isn't that much of a shock.

It was just that, Saber wasn't aware if Dawn was a friend or foe.

The only reason he didn't downright attack Dawn was his honed battle senses and his body disagreeing with such a thought.

"Oh, don't be soo alarmed now. It is better that we bought remain on good terms since both you and I need each other.

You see, the element I comprehend isn't something that anyone can comprehend like fire, water, wind, darkness, and the sort.

It is similar to your Primordial Chaos element since such an element relies on bloodline, and so too does mine!"


Saber's eyes bulged as he jumped to his feet and was already in a fighting stance.

Dawn's latest words were enough to make Saber realize that Dawn was more of a threat than anyone he had ever come across.

He was more of a threat than even Sword God since this Dawn could see through something that Goldy said that even True Immortals would be unable to peer into!!


Before Saber could continue speaking, Dawn then followed up.

"As I said before, don't be alarmed since we are both in need of one another.

You need someone who could help you stop being a chess piece in your servant's game, and I need someone capable of exacting my revenge against the mightiest of foes one can imagine!"


Saber's expression turned grim at the mention of his butler. He wasn't stupid, he had long known that his butler who had taken care of him since youth, was the one responsible for any of his lucky and unlucky encounters.

All the pain and suffering he had undergone through his existence...

All the pain and suffering his origin had undergone through Origin Saber's existence...

It was all caused by that butler who he had once cared for and relied on...

That butler who was the closest thing to a father, it was this butler who manipulated everything behind the scenes.

There wasn't anything he could do, so why should he bother to plot against him and gather hatred toward him. Well, at least, that was what he previously thought.

Standing in front of him was an entity that claimed to be able to escape the chains that clamped around his neck.

The chains were held tightly by Zeno's hands.

This chain that was a leash and made sure he did everything Zeno wanted, and in the way Zeno wanted, was currently being threatened to snap.

Even if this was simply another plot by Zeno, Saber didn't care.

If this was his only chance of escaping these shackles, then why not?!


Jumping on the cold floors of the room, Saber then looked toward the figure next to him as he stretched his hand out, similar to the time in the arena.

A smile formed on Dawn's face as he also stretched his hand out.

The duo of geniuses shook hands!

"Well, what is your plan, partner!?" Saber voiced out.

"Hmm, well, since our alliance has been formed a mere second ago, I guess I should give to you a present."

Dawn uttered as he then followed up by saying.

"Simply think of something which you have lost. Something that was unrightfully taken away from you and that you desire to reclaim!"

As these words entered Saber's mind, certain memories that he had unconsciously hidden away resurfaced.

Bringing his forehead to touch that of Saber's, Dawn's eyes then flashed with a dazzling bright gold as he then separated again and waved his hand.


A dazzling flash of golden light brightened the room as Dawn's skin paled and dark circles appeared under his eyes.

For the first time in quite a while, Dawn felt drained as Saber's eyes bulged in shock as he questioned if what he was seeing was correct.

Seeing Saber's shock, and even though he was weakened, Dawn arrogantly stated.

"Haha, don't be too surprised.

This is one of the more simple abilities of my element.

Anything I imagine can be created.

After all, as someone who can manipulate Reality itself, such a thing what I have just done is as simple as breathing!!"