The Final Round, Extreme Arrogance


A dazzling flash of golden light brightened the room as Dawn's skin paled and dark circles appeared under his eyes.

For the first time in quite a while, Dawn felt drained as Saber's eyes bulged in shock as he questioned if what he was seeing was correct.

Seeing Saber's shock, and even though he was weakened, Dawn arrogantly stated.

"Haha, don't be too surprised.

This is one of the more simple abilities of my element.

Anything I imagine can be created.

After all, as someone who can manipulate Reality itself, such a thing what I have just done is as simple as breathing!!"

What currently took place in front of Saber's eyes was soo unreal that if Origin Saber was present, he too, would be left shocked to his core.

It was the emergence of a figure around 5'6 in height with a pair of what seemed to be demonic horns on its forehead.

Along with that, the red markings decorating its face enhanced this figure's already attractive appearance as one may call this figure's appearance otherworldly.

Gazing toward this figure in a stupor, many memories of the past flooded Saber's mind as he could only utter in shock.



(Two Days Later)

'So how does this work? Do I command in my mind what I want, or something else is necessary?'

Standing a few meters away from a tall female with long dark hair tied in a pigtail, Saber could only communicate in his mind with the figure who had shockingly been revived a couple of days ago.

'Yes master, before my death, I had analyzed the system created by the master of your origin.

Without counting kill points which one can use to improve one's cultivation, I'm confident to say that this system is not worse than the one Origin Saber has.'

A voice reverberated throughout Saber's mind as a dazzling smile surfaced on his face. The person that Dawn was able to revive was someone who had just proven why he would be a great asset to the duo's future plans.

'Oh Leviathan, even if I am unable to gain any strength from you, even just this is enough to greatly be of use.'

Saber thought as we finally are able to figure out the true identity of this figure who Dawn had revived.

It was the android who Origin Saber had met in his second world that had died along with Aegon in the Gates of Hell.

'Now, initiate system analyzation on the target!' Saber ordered in his mind as a blue screen appeared in his field of vision showcasing all the important information about the opponent that Saber currently faced.

Two days had passed, naturally, this meant that right now Saber was currently facing an opponent in the final round of the Rising Stars Competition.

In the same battle arena, four more battles were taking place at the same time one was a battle between Dawn and a boy with short grey hair and a pair of bloody red eyes.

The eye of the spectators was glued to the fight that showcased Saber and Dawn as they wanted to see for the final time, a display of brilliance by the duo.

What they wanted to see was a show of absolute dominance and utter brilliance by the duo and even though neither Saber nor Dawn cared to give the spectators what they wanted...

'So master, do you think you can handle this woman?!' Leviathan asked Saber through their mental connection as he floated through an infinite void of dark space that was lit up with billions of lights in the shape of stars.

Surrounding him were many holographic screens depicting many scenes that if seen by official members of the human race, shocking consequences would be created.

'Haha, you ask me as if she would give me trouble. Let me enlighten you on how strong I've become!' Saber said as the corners of his lips twisted and a demonic grin appeared.

It was a demonic grin that stretched all the way to his ears and caused his female opponent to feel a stifling and terrifying sensation growing in her chest.

"You, come here and fight me!" Saber ordered out demandingly as he didn't bother to take into consideration the pride of the female...


His arrogant actions caused the crowd to bellow out in expectation while Dawn could only shake his head at his future companion's extreme haughtiness.

As the crowd's roars reverberated throughout the stadium, the overseer of this tournament who observed the fight uttered.


"This extra pride of his needs to go, or else, if he is to make it to the 'final' contest, he would live to regret it."

Down on the battlefield, the female who was on the receiving end of Saber's smug words gritted her teeth in anger as she loudly proclaimed.


"Just because you are strong, you think I would stand for th-..." But, before she could finish her words, Saber once more opened his mouth.

"Shut your trap, I have already ordered you to attack. If you continue blabbering then I'll give you an extraordinarily painful death!"

While saying those words, to the female contestant, Saber's eyes themselves seemed to form smiles causing the woman to feel even more uncomfortable.


The very stadium shook as the shouts of the spectators synched with each other and grew in noise...


A peal of wicked laughter left Saber's lips as he saw his opponent's hesitation.

From there, something shocking and simultaneously scary went on to take place.

Saber's figure that had reached 6'4 feet after some years of being alive suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from the visions of all the spectators present.


A bright light appeared in the skies as a scalding heat descended onto all those present and if one was to look toward the source, a sight out of total fantasy could be seen.


It was the sight of a giant fiery red eagle-like creature that quickly approached a shocked and terrorized woman who previously had enough guts to proclaim words toward Saber.

Words that were proven that. Merely just words as she didn't even have a thought of backing these words up while the bird of flames that was seemingly alive approached her thousands of times faster than the speed of sound.



Master, why would you choose to expose your ability to manipulate flames when you could have instead chosen to expose your space element.

After all, now that these humans know that your element is fire, you wouldn't be able to showcase your other elements, and space being the most useful, I simply can't grasp why you'll do such a thing?!'

Leviathan's shocked and confused voice ranged in Saber's mind as he could only smile at his android servant's obliviousness and while gazing at the flaming bird which quickly approached his opponent, Saber replied.

'Hehe, if you want to know why, you should first understand what the difference between Space and Fire is...

Well, at least with my current level of comprehension, I can discern that, unlike space, fire can cause my opponent to turn into nothing but ash, and if my flames are hot enough, my opponent would be completely erased from existence.'

Saber replied.

His words did not in one bit make it easier for Leviathan to understand what was the reason why Saber decided to do what he just did.