The Reason, Mental Exhaustion

'With my current level of comprehension, I can discern that, unlike space, fire can cause my opponent to turn into nothing but ash, and if my flames are hot enough, my opponent would be completely erased from existence.'

Saber replied.

His words did not in one bit make it easier for Leviathan to understand what was the reason why Saber decided to do what he just did.


A deafening explosion occurred, followed by dust and smoke that blinded most contestants.

As it cleared, in the location of Saber's previous opponent, what remained was a skeleton that remained standing.


A light breeze blew and this skeleton fell to the ground, turning into nothing but ashes that mysteriously disappeared, forever erased from existence.

In front of the shocked eyes of the spectators and the participants, Saber casually landed on the ground and gazed throughout the battle arena only to see his future ally also finished with his opponent who was unmoving on the ground with a head that was a few meters away from the body.

'What I was saying is that, unlike Space, I can easily use my 'Devour' ability with my Fire Manipulation.

Even if one is to completely disappear like this weakling of an opponent, no one would be surprised, and confused, and it would not raise anyone's suspicions.

Of course, you would have already figured such a thing out, but you still refuse to sift through my memories like a fool, so of course, you wouldn't know.' Saber berated.


'To peer into one's master's memories is a great sin deserving of death. As a servant, one should have certain boundaries that they should never cross, and that is why I would not watch your memories...!' Leviathan followed up while focusing on the continuous stream of data that was appearing on the multiple holographic screens.

'Whatever, on another note, I would like to look at my status window!' Saber ordered as his figure along with the figure of Dawn was enshrouded by a bright light, thereafter, the duo was teleported away for the final time in this world.


"Hmm...!" After the bright flash of light, instead of appearing inside the restaurant, the duo unexpectedly appeared inside an incomprehensibly large room. It was littered with many tables and chairs and some tens of meters away from their location, a few figures gazed toward them with visible shock while approaching.

While Saber narcissistically praised himself in his mind when seeing his reflection on the obsidian floors, Dawn who was the more serious of the two cautiously observed the figures who approached.

'Hmm, I don't sense any energy from them?' Dawn raised his eyebrow after realizing that the figures approaching him weren't radiating any type of energy.

'They are similar to that Leviathan.' He thought as he then voiced out.

"So, who are you people now?"

His voice garnered Saber's attention as he to was rather interested in the identities of the few figures who had appeared in front of them. These figures respectfully then bowed toward Saber and Dawn while a voice resounded in the surroundings.

"I didn't expect the contestants to already finish their competition.! What world are you from?" One of the figures raised their head and said with a smile on her face.

Dawn's grimaced in annoyance. In all his years on the planet, he didn't even know its name. He couldn't just say he didn't know, that would be too embarrassing.

Luckily, Saber had a servant who was also an android who was well-informed even if he had now been revived.

"We're from Planet Adýnamos." The female's eyebrow raised in a show of surprise when hearing Saber's words. She smiled once more as she then said.

"Okay, now give me your badges and place this on your wrist. After, you two should follow us to your resting rooms..."

Suddenly, two objects that seemed to be luxurious-looking watches appeared on her palm as she gave them to Saber and Dawn while taking their badges. Right after, she along with the other figures turned around and walked off.

Signaling Saber and Dawn to follow her, the other figures went their different ways.

'Circulate the Human Blood in your body!!' Leviathan shouted in Saber's mind making his body instinctively do it. A few moments after, a stinging feeling which originated from the location of the watch caused Saber's face to show some discomfort.


'Why did you shout so loud, and why does this damn watch feel as if needles are digging into my skin!?!' Saber shouted back toward Leviathan. His outer expression remained expressionless, but inside he was brimming with anger.

'Sorry master, but if you had not circulated the Human Blood throughout your body, there was a very high chance of you being labeled as a non-human!' And as Leviathan conveyed his reasons...


The watch was on Saber's and Dawn's wrist, a dinging sound escaped the watch and on the screen appeared a bright green tick sign.

'It seems that this watch can identify Human blood after analyzing it for only an instant. I'm guessing this is their way of keeping other races from infiltrating their core...!' Dawn thought in his mind while following the female who had led them into a hallway.


The duo along with the female appeared in front of a wide floor that opened on its own revealing a bedroom with five beds where Saber assumed it was for them to rest and sleep.

"Once your hungry, you can follow the exact route we just took to get here. In a few hours when all the competitors from the different worlds finish their battles, the food should also be ready.!" She left after saying these words, leaving two competitors who were left excited by the idea of new and stronger opponents.

"Well, that's it for me. I'll be going into a deep sleep." Saber muttered while yawning, making Dawn raise his eyebrows and follow up.

"What, but didn't you sleep for numerous days when you had fallen unconscious.?"

"Haha, that was my body resting, trust me when I say, my mind never rested one bit in that period!" While saying those words, Saber's body limply fell to one of the beds as he closed his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face.

Taking in the fact that his origin had used up one of his lives, and knowing that he himself now only had one extra life, Saber's mind was under continuous pressure. It was enough to make his body feel an illusion as if he was continuously walking in water, he felt slow and sluggish...

Dawn only smiled at Saber's immature behavior as he also went and lay on the bed next to Saber's.

'Hmm, how long has it been since reawakening my memories.

A decade...

For a decade I've been fighting that man so as to take his attention away from this one who goes by the name of Saber...

It took this body a decade to finally reach the level of an Earth Immortal, or should I say Level 3 True-Earth Immortal!'

Gazing at the ceiling, Dawn lost track of time while thinking of something truly peculiar, his gaze began to blur as his eyes shot closed without him even realizing.

Whatever he had just thought of was the only clue to the answer to why even Dawn had just surrendered to exhaustion...