Dark World

It took this body a decade to finally reach the level of an Earth Immortal, or should I say Level 3 True-Earth Immortal!'

Gazing at the ceiling, Dawn lost track of time while thinking of something truly peculiar, his gaze began to blur as his eyes shot closed without him even realizing.

Whatever he had just thought of was the only clue to the answer to why even Dawn had just surrendered to exhaustion...



"So, are you three now our teammates...?" Inside the bedroom for five, Saber's cold eyes seemingly peered into the souls of his three new comrades. His aloof aura washed over their bodies, leaving them with the illusion of a bucket with ice-cold water splashing on their bodies.

"Yes, I hope we can work together to take down the geniuses of the other planets in this Solar System." Unlike his other two comrades who were left shivering in fear by Saber, this boy with short pink-colored hair only shrugged it off and respectfully replied to Saber.

"Hehe," A giggle escaped Saber's lips when seeing his allies and their antics, "We should get some food." He said, before walking to the side of Dawn's bed and poking the face of a sleeping Reality Manipulator...!

"Come on, you acted like if I shouldn't feel tired and sleepy since I was an Immortal Cultivator, yet look at you..." Saber said, "Let's go get some food, I'm hungry!" He ordered, caring little of disturbing Dawn's necessary sleep.


A groan of annoyance left Dawn's mouth while his upper body raised from the bed in a groggy manner. "You treat me soo badly, you don't realize all the things I do for you..." Dawn muttered not realizing everyone in the room was able to hear his words since they were all Immortal level Cultivators.

"Stop acting soo fussy. Get up, I'm starving right now..." Saber followed up even though he never felt the feeling of hunger ever in his existence.


Exiting their room, the group reappeared in the hallway where Saber went on to ask to seemingly no one.

"So, why are we in the last room. Since we appeared first, isn't our world supposed to take the first room in here." Saber said when seeing that out of all the doors that were in this hallway, the door he just exited was furthest from the entrance to this area.

"Probably because we're from the planet labeled as the weakest..."


Saber already knew, but now that it was mentioned once more, he finally recalled that particular fact. His calm persona morphed into a feral one as a wild beastly aura raged throughout the hallway, causing his teammates to shiver slightly...

"Surely, since these people claim to be stronger, surely there would be some interesting opponents...!" His beast-like instincts awaited expectantly for the fights that would take place in the future.


In the wide and open room previously filled with chairs and tables, one would find sounds of shouting and laughter, trays of food slamming down on tables, and loud slightly less refined entities chewing.


"The level of you people's elegance is truly abysmal.!"



Dawn's words and the tone filled with obvious scorn reverberated throughout the room as sounds of many spoons dropping to the ground and an awkward silence that was ever-present before a massive argument appeared.

Even Saber was slightly surprised by this situation. Not expecting Dawn to show such scorn, especially since Dawn wasn't the type who seemed to want to draw attention... For Saber, it came as a great surprise that made him smile when feeling the liquid thing called blood in his body beginning to boil in excitement.

It seemed a fight was inevitable...


Inside this Solar System, there are many planets but there are only 15 planets that have life on them. Of these 15 planets, the planet that Saber participated in the competition in was widely known as the weakest. Because of this, many figures who're not confident enough in their strength would travel through space and choose to participate in the tournament held on the planet.

Those who stayed on their respective planet even though they knew that the competition would be way harder were few. But, these few figures were persons who were confident in the strength which they had cultivated and consolidated in their bodies.

Unlike the competitors in the competition that took place on Planet Adýnamos, those who participated in other competitions would normally be Level 3, 4, or even Level 5 Earth Immortals. Adding their Elements on top of that strength, it was obvious they were true geniuses that shouldn't be looked down on.

Yet, even after knowing all this from Leviathan, Saber retained a calm and confident smirk as his blood churned in excitement for a good fight. Some of the figures who Dawn focused his provocation on slowly stood up from their seats with killing intent leaking from their gazes that focused on Saber's group.

"Mere garbage originating from a planet filled with wastes dare to talk so arrogantly in my presence!?" These words were what someone in the cafeteria intended to say, but before he could...

"All participants who're still not in the cafeteria, please make their way there."

A voice that originated from all corners of the room garnered everyone's attention as the sound of the automatic metal doors opening caught most people's attention.

The origin revealed the appearance of a group of around 25 people. Saber recognized one being the man who claimed to be the overseer of the tournament in Planet Adýnamos!

'What's he doing here?'


"We have officially exited this Solar System and have entered the Void Of Space!" The female that first greeted Dawn and Saber when they had now appeared stated this shocking fact as she clapped her hands twice.

Right after, the surroundings morphed as the floor and walls of this room seemingly disappeared, causing many contestants to yelp in surprise. Saber's eyes brightly lit up when the sight of total nothingness entered his view.

"What you're seeing is what we call the Dark World. It is the space that separates two Solar Systems from one another, and there aren't any stars to make it possible for average Immortal Cultivators to maneuver!"

Saber didn't bother to listen to anything the woman said. Right now, his eyes were drawn toward the ever-present darkness and total nothingness, deep within him, he felt something bubbling, something he couldn't put his finger on just yet.

Even if he didn't hear the female android's words, he still had Leviathan who would fill him up on what he didn't hear.



"Hey, Saber?"

Dawn's sudden voice startled Saber, causing his muscles to tense as his expression turned cold and he said, Tsk! "Don't you know that you shouldn't just shout in someone's ears like that!?"

"What do you mean, I've been calling you for the past minutes. I was honestly going to slap you if you had still planned on ignoring me."

Soon after ignoring this blunder, the duo followed the other personnel on the ship as they exited the cafeteria once more.

Saber gazed in confusion as it seemed to him only a few seconds ago the android was explaining Dark World, yet now, everyone was leaving...

Unknown to Saber, something had just begun to awaken. It was something that would truly set him on his path to rejecting his origin!