
Two Months Later...





A sizzling sound entered Liam's ear as he shot his eyes open in surprise!

He rubbed the back of his neck because of the pain he felt originating from the said location.

With a slight grimace, Liam got up to his feet as he observed his surroundings.

The events leading up to where he currently found himself were still fuzzy in his mind, but one thing he knew for sure, was that he had found himself inside Virtual Reality.

The reason why he knew he was in Virtual Reality, was caused by his surroundings.

Not so much by his near surroundings though...

He had appeared on top of what he deemed the tallest structure in the city, as he was able to peer into most corners of it.

It was a city that had seemingly been destroyed by something very long ago.

Present there in many city streets interconnected throughout the city were multiple rusty or almost completely scrapped vehicles.

Some buildings were dilapidated while others were destroyed with barely anything remaining to prove that there was once a building present.

What stood out most, was the ever-present mush and greenery that was located seemingly corrupting many objects inside the city, including the tall and lone skyscraper he found himself on.

But, what made it clear to him that he was in Virtual Reality though wasn't what was inside the city, but outside!

The outside, polar opposite to inside the city, was night instead of day, causing Liam to yelp in surprise because of the sudden and unbelievable scene.

His emotions quickly came under his control as he thought of the situation of the rest of his team.

But, such worries were also controlled by him as his first mission should be to deal with his city and defeat all his opponents.

'Though I don't know much about Saber, from what I could discern over the past two months, I know that he'll definitely deal with his city quickly...'

As this thought entered his mind, his black hair began rising along with his aura!

His black eyes shot out beams of silvery light as a sizzling noise resounded in his surroundings.

Grabbing the hilt of his sword...


'I should also finish my opponents quickly!' He thought while unsheathing his sword in an instant...

"After all, I need to show who is the strongest!!"


These words soon resounded throughout this city as Liam, who wanted to show his superior strength, would arrogantly challenge many Stellar and Galactic Geniuses.





The room was merely a few meters large, and could barely fit a normal-sized bed.

Appearing in it, Dawn then approached the window and looked out. The night skies were lit up by the resplendent light of the moon along with the beautiful multi-colored stars.

The city was also alit brightly with many sparkling tall skyscrapers and flying 2-meter pods that could be seen interweaving through the many floating buildings.

Looking below, Dawn realized that he had also found himself inside a floating building, and down on the ground level were many humanoid lifeforms going about their everyday tasks.

As Dawn's eyes laid upon any one of these humanoid figures, an influx of information would be displayed before his eyes.

This information that would appear in a similar way to a status window, would give him an understanding of the identity of this particular entity.


A smirk appeared on his face as he realized all of these people were akin to NPCs that weren't worth attention.

What caused Dawn to smile was that the entities who created this Virtual Reality had made all of this simply to make the tournament harder.

Watching these NPCs, Saber thought...

'So, not only do I need to defeat my opponents who could very well be equal to my current strength...

But now I must do this without hurting any of these NPCs, otherwise, the points that I would normally get after defeating an opponent would be taken away..!'


Yes, this was now the case.

The reason given to him was that if he is unable to control his attacking power to a sufficient level now...

When he's to grow more powerful in the future, wouldn't missions where he faces powerful opponents, result in many casualties, especially when there are humans close by?

After assessing his situation, Dawn then shifted his attention away from the outside as he sat with his legs folded on the bed.

Now closing his eyes, he thought.

'Well, there isn't any rush.

While others aren't able to cultivate inside Virtual Reality, this concept doesn't apply to me.

Manipulating Reality itself...

It's simply controlling concepts that others wouldn't normally think possible.

Increasing my comprehension of this element known as Gold, it's child's play...' He thought in utter calmness.

Unlike the other members of his group, Dawn was almost always utterly calm.

Unlike most others in this universe, Dawn always had a plan B which was the safest plan B in existence.

Even if one was to torture him, and eventually kill him, Dawn would only laugh at this person since this person would eventually face a horrifying fate at the hands of none other than Dawn.

It was a truth that none currently knew, and none would understand until multiple cycles into the future.

Dawn's origin was what made it possible for him to be in a constant state of calmness as it was utterly Primordial and truly Holy.

Dawn was something beyond the understanding of anyone, as not even Saber would fully understand his mysteries...

Not until the time of Metempsychosis..!




It happened in a flash...

In a flash of brilliant light, the whole surroundings were brightly lit up as Saber's figure appeared!

Standing on the wooden floors, he assessed his close environment, successfully picking up on the fact that any type of furniture was sparse, with only a low table and a cushion to sit on present inside this room surrounded by wooden walls.

Suddenly, Saber raised his brows in surprise as a screen appeared in front of his eyes with it, many words which described the goal he now had.

What surprised him was the similarities between this screen and his status window.

But, clearing his mind from stray thoughts and focusing on the words written, his expression froze as he immediately clicked his tongue in annoyance.

It had turned out that the city he had appeared in was what he was aware of as a medieval Asian city.

'I remember this type of place back when I used to go to school... In my first world!' He thought with an expression of reminiscing.

'Speaking of my first world, I wonder how those humans are going about their lives now that I've left them..?

Maybe, after conquering everything, I should visit them in the future, after all, that world was filled with the most peaceful humans I've come across.

After conquering everything, war, fighting, killing, all of it wouldn't be necessary anymore. Only peace would be present...'

Saber had these thoughts with a relaxed expression present.

Even though from the note he had received, he was to defeat all other contestants in the city!

And to also do it without damaging any of these fragile wooden structures... Saber at the moment was at utmost peace as he thought of his inevitable future.




Along with Dawn and Liam, Saber's other two teammates are also split from the team, as they will all battle it out to gain the title of a True Genius!