Chapter 178: The Sword Genius's Trap

As Abel's body faded and the number "5" floated and then shot into Saber's chest, words filled with scorn and contempt escaped his lips as he looked down arrogantly at his now defeated opponent...


Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Saber grumbled under his breath, "But, it surely is a pity that I'm unable to devour the contestants... Oh well..."

From a casual expression, his face then showed one of excitement, while he thought...

'To think I was able to implant memories into the minds of those caught under illusions.

Not only that but the two months that my other self inside the illusions thought was used to improve my Instantaneous Reaction, was, of course, instead used to improve illusions...

Finally, when used simultaneously with the abilities of Destiny that I devoured from those gold skin humans back in the Original Solar System, I can even manipulate the intentions, thoughts, and even physical actions of those inside my Illusions.'


'But it does seem that this is still limited... seeing as my other self was still able to figure out the fact that he was a mere illusion at the end.'

Walking off the rooftop and landing on the ground, in front of the door to the building he was once previously on top of, Saber continuously assessed the many events that took place some time back.


Opening the door to the building, Saber sighed while thinking...

'Even though this is a body comparable to the average Level 1 Earth Immortal...'

'The mere actions of using Illusions on top of abilities that manipulated the entities inside my Illusion, caused me to lose almost half the energy I once had...'

With a slightly pale face, Saber entered the building to rest and recover, as, for the first time in his existence, Saber felt the mundane feeling of what humans identified as exhaustion!




(Two Hours Later)

Sitting in a meditative position, and with his weapons which were a silver sword and chain peacefully laying on the floor in front of him, Saber's eyes suddenly shot open as an expression of complete shock surfaced on his face.

Swiftly grabbing his two weapons, his figure blurred as soon after, he appeared on the roof of this building, over him, the night skies which contained ever-present darkness.

'Hmm, what is this energy I'm sensing.?!' He said in his mind while coating his body with his energy, ready just in the case of any sneak attack capable of killing him in an instant!


After getting some time to think, Saber suddenly completely blended into the night and disappeared. In his mind, thoughts of the previous fight appeared...

'Even though it wasn't real, if there was a chance that he was able to resist my illusions, the fight could not have gone as well as it did.'

'I think it'll be safer to wait for the fighters to kill themselves, before putting myself in the open once more.'

'After all, it's not as if I can continue fighting and would heal instantly like before... This isn't exactly my body, so my abilities and options are limited greatly..!'

With these thoughts, Saber traveled across the city and to a random building where he then sat on top of the rooftop...

Looking over the city with his cold purple eyes which oozed a killing intent controlled soo well that it didn't escape a five-meter distance from Saber.

Sitting with his sword resting on his thighs, and patiently waiting for hours to tick away, the time drew closer and closer to the time limit...

By concealing his presence with simple control over his body and aura, no contestant was able to sense his presence, allowing for some time to pass without any trouble.

But just when he was about to relax...


Resting on his thighs, the weapon he chose to enter the Virtual world with, suddenly began shaking violently...

As if with a mind of its own, it sprang into the air, and the edge pointed toward a random direction...

Maybe another city!


Sensing the odd situation, the shocked expression left his face instantly as a figure appeared in his mind. It was the figure of a certain Sword Genius who was brave enough to challenge even Saber previously. Saber then thought...

'I wonder what trouble he's stirring up in the other city?'




"What do you think you're doing?!"

Standing opposite Liam, was a man with long black hair reaching his waist. This man shouted in alarm after seeing the sight above him, caused by nonother than the Sword Genius.

Descending with incredible speed toward the city was a massive silvery light shaped oddly similar to that of a sword. The power it exuded was seemingly capable of singly decimating the whole city in an instant.

'If this attack makes contact with the city, not only will we be eliminated, but he too!' The man with black hair thought in fright.

While thinking this, the expressionless Liam watched on as more and more people began appearing in his location as they all raised their auras, as if preparing to attack him simultaneously.

After all, if he was to be eliminated, the attack above the city would be dispersed.

Although they were each enemy of the person next to them, as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they all wanted nothing more than to eliminate a natural threat such as Liam.

As the illusionary sword drew closer, and the attacks of the many contestants began forming and heading toward Liam, this Sword Genius rose his hand in the air and snapped his fingers as instantly...



Instantly, the illusionary sword above him dispersed and morphed into many one-meter swords that flew at break-neck speeds and crash into the incoming attacking beams created by the contestants surrounding him.


The coming together of the swords and the attacks created an explosion that sent a shockwave that blew all the contestants back some tens of meters.

Seeing this as an opening, with one sword in his right hand, Liam's figure blurred as he rushed toward an unsuspecting man with black hair reaching his waist!

As the smoke from the explosion blocked the vision of the contestants, those who didn't send out their domain in time were unable to perceive Liam's movements, and this black-haired man was one of those who were slower than others in releasing his domain.

Grabbing his neck with his free left hand, Liam slashed his sword at the body of the man who was unable to even move. Liam's grip on the man's neck was soo strong that it alone would have been enough to kill the man.

Yet, to satisfy his habit of killing his opponents by using his sword alone, he slashed the man's body in half with the black blade..!

Not bothering to watch as the man's upper body dropped to the ground, Liam moved on to his next opponent.

With every participant in this city sensing the attack which was capable of obliterating the city in an instant, they had all played into Liam's trap and appeared out in the open.

'I wanted to finish this quickly, but knowing it would be a hassle to look in every nook and corner of this city spanning hundreds of kilometers...'

'It'll be simpler to paint a picture in the minds of these contenders that I was someone willing to destroy everything...'

'Destroy even me, so as to defeat them all!'

Thinking this, he continued to showcase his utter dominance in strength by slaughtering anything in sight..!