Chapter 192: What True Terror Is!!!!

The Heavenly Mystic Domain remained as it always was, with not even one person sensing that there was one less person in it, it was the disappearance of a person who wasn't even harmed by anything inside of the dimension...



"Huh? Where is this... No, what the hell was that hand!!?" Saber couldn't help but mumble in astonishment.

He had appeared in a mysterious black space. Standing on a black-colored platform spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers, Saber could just barely see the other end in his current state.

The platform remained afloat and it was surrounded by an infinite black space glittering with what seemed to be stars. Each of these stars released an intense heat that made Saber sweat for the first time in his life yet, his mind was preoccupied with what had taken place before he came to this mysterious space.

The speed and power were utterly terrifying to experience firsthand. Saber's power was simultaneously rendered useless as the hands came in contact with his body. 'Those hands...'

Saber suddenly thought in shock. 'Those hands had such a familiar aura to...' And, as his thoughts reached this direction, his expressions froze before...


Crazed laughter escaped Saber's mouth. He clutched his stomach as he couldn't stop laughing! It was as if he had gone utterly mad.


A bright light flashed.

"It seems that my presence away from you has caused many misunderstandings... The first is, how can a mere clone compare to an original!!!" A figure surrounded by an aura filled with bloodthirst and damnation suddenly appeared, seemingly much less confused than Saber first was.

"Hahaha..." Hearing the sudden voice, Saber's laughter slowly faded as he raised his head. Currently, Saber's eyes contained immense traces of viciousness and anger as his vision landed on the figure who had appeared...

"Y...YOU!!!!" A Saber laid eyes on the red-skinned entity millions of kilometers away, his eyes lit ablaze in rage as rushed toward the not-so-human humanoid entity.



In an unknown location, the skies were dark as lightning flashed through the black clouds. The lightning was multiple flashes of dark purple-black lightning that radiated an immensely deadly aura to anything under the Profound Immortal realm.

On the land below was a deserted barren land. Many cracks, craters, and deep chasms were present and the metallic smell of blood permeated the air soo much so that one can even see a deathly red aura ever-present. Somewhere in the middle of this land, one could see a massive sea of dead bodies stacked up on each other, forming a hill.

It was a hill thousands of feet tall, and sitting on top of it was an entity that could be described as anything but human. While his body was somewhat humanoid, being merely 2 meters tall and with a pair of legs and hands with one head, he had red skin, black claw-like nails, black toenails, a black sclera, and a pair of reptilian-like red splits in the middle of his eyes. Under those eyes were demonic markings; on his back were a pair of red bloody wings spanning a couple of meters each. He had elf-like ears, black hair, and two white horns facing the skies on each side of his head.

Suddenly, while biting into what seemed to be the leg of a humanoid entity, this figure was grabbed by a pair of hands, and before he knew it, his consciousness faded.



Appearing in a mysterious dark realm, alit by many stars which released intense heat, this entity with red skin immediately smirked.

'This... it's similar to inside my body, which means...' As he thought of this, he gazed toward the human-like lifeform at such a distance away from him. A gleaming smile descended on his face as he said with an amused tone.

"It seems that my presence away from you has caused many misunderstandings... The first is, how can a mere clone compare to an original!!!" Somehow, his voice traveled the infinite distance and entered Saber's ear. Seeing his appearance, Saber immediately burst forth toward him in a fit of rage!

'It seems he has yet to become one with oneself...' This red-skinned figure said.


Dashing toward the red-skinned demon who looked oddly similar to himself, Saber shouted his name toward the demon, finally placing an identity on this man!!

Origin Saber, in his new and glorified appearance, stared at those rage-filled eyes and could only mutter. "Oh, how beautiful, the eyes of one filled with rage. But, this is still unforgivable. Plotting against your origin... Humph!!!"

Origin Saber's bloody wings flapped once. With one mere flapped of the wings on Origin Saber's back, the distance between Saber and Origin Saber was halved! In an instant, the wings flapped once more, as Origin Saber smirked sadistically as he appeared in front of Saber!!



A punch...

This was all it took as Saber, who was barely able to block against its mighty power, was sent flying thousands of kilometers away...


Saber's loud bellow of pain resounded in the space. Saber who crossed his arm to make an x to protect his chest suddenly realized his both arms were missing. Origin Saber smiled. His powerful punch was enough to turn Saber's arms into a bloody mist!

Yet, this wasn't even his intention. Most of Origin Saber's power was instead focused on the black ring on Saber's finger.

"Little copy, your hands will regenerate, but I'm not soo sure about that thing..." Origin Saber said while pointing at a black ring filled with numerous cracks, on the ground a few hundred meters away from Saber.

Saber's expression froze. Before he could even process what Origin Saber meant, he saw the Black Ring, home to his master, and six hundred and sixty-five clones who had been comprehending many techniques since before the tournament... He watched as that oh-so-important Black Ring dissipate into dust!!!

For once, Saber had felt a sudden feeling of pure dread! But, this dread didn't stop there. Origin Saber suddenly clawed his fingers into his chest!!


Yanking his heart out, he brought it out into the open before...


Squeezing it with his powerful strength, it obliterated into a bloody mist that went on to enshroud Origin Saber's figure...

Saber could only watch on in shock, confusion, and dread as Origin Saber once more reappeared in his vision. This time though, on Origin Saber's was a bone crown tainted in blood as on his left ear, a silver earring of a skull appeared, and the demonic markings under his eyes glowed a faint light!!!

But, what caught Saber's attention was the six pairs of wings on Saber's back. Half of them were stained in blood while the other half were painted in black that glowed. In those wings, it seemed to contain countless stars.

Staring at Saber, Origin Saber grandly said.

"Mere copy, do you understand why your cultivation has surpassed mine? It isn't because you're stronger than me, no, it's because I've been doing something completely different than cultivation."

"Once I faced defeat at the hands of that Sword God, I swore to do anything to surpass him. At that time, even though I risked the chance of ruining the purity of my Primordial Chaos bloodline, I still began devouring all the Demonic races of Hell's Tower!!!"

"Haha, luckily, I underestimate Primordial Chaos. Instead of ruining my bloodline purity, it instead increased and now, you have had the honor to bear witness to what an awakened Primordial Chaos Demon Hybrid Bloodline looks like!!"

Awakened Primordial Chaos Demon Hybrid Bloodline!!!!
