Chapter 193: The Birth Of A Magic Treasure

"Haha, luckily, I underestimate Primordial Chaos. Instead of ruining my bloodline purity, it instead increased and now, you have had the honor to bear witness to what an awakened Primordial Chaos Demon Hybrid Bloodline looks like!!"

Awakened Primordial Chaos Demon Hybrid Bloodline!!!!




Origin Saber...

This was the power of Origin Saber. The mere copy couldn't believe this, not only was he struggling before but now that Origin Saber had transformed into his True Form, his power, which was already higher than Saber's, had now seen a massive spike. The worst part was...


'Why..' Saber thought. His expression was that of fear while his body refused to move. He thought this was going to be an easy win for himself, he thought he would finally be free from the constraints of fate... 'Why can't I move?!' Saber said in his mind.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Leisurely walking toward his copy, Origin Saber smirked after seeing the confusion written on Saber's face as he then muttered. "It is the power of a Pure Demon bloodline. Once they face someone of the same level or weaker, this person would fall prey to intense fear... So much fear that they sometimes lose the ability to even move their body. Every muscle would freeze!!!"

As he said so with a relaxed expression, Origin Saber passed hundreds of thousands of kilometers with each step. Before the time it took to take in three breaths, he had appeared in front of a frozen fearful Saber. Resting his palm on Saber's face, Origin Saber questioned with a cold sadistic smirk.

"Do you feel it?" Saber said. "Do you feel despair? Do you now realize how stupid your way of thinking was? Do you realize, the hate you felt for me, which drives you to try to break free from my fate, is what has led you to a much worse fate of being devoured by me?"

But, just as Saber was about to fall for Origin Saber's provocation, the surrounding temperature suddenly spiked. Retreating hundreds of meters back, Origin Saber couldn't help but watch the palm of his hand that was resting on his copy's face where he saw a burn mark!

An amused smile formed on Origin Saber's face. Yes, Origin Saber wasn't angered or shocked, in fact, he was happy... 'The stronger he is, the happier I'll be!' Origin Saber thought. 'The more power he has for me to devour, the more powerful I'll become... hehe!!!' Origin Saber wasn't arrogant. He simply had enough confidence in his own power.

Dark flames surrounded Saber as his pupils transformed into a pair of star-like purple pupils.

Two bloody wings and claw-like nails similar to his origin appeared on Saber's body as his sclera turned black, confirming that he had transformed into his True Form along with entering his Star Transformation state!!

His long canines, almost like a vampire, poked through his lips. Pointing at his Origin, Saber said out grandly... "Fear? I don't feel any fear!!" As he said that, his figure instantly disappeared!


Breaking free from the demonic spell, Saber renewed his confidence as he felt the brimming power he hadn't felt in a while. After entering the ninth level of the true earth immortal rank, his powers increased immensely, and now that he was in his true form, he could now compare to even those Profound Immortals...

With this power, Saber's wings flapped as his figure flashed toward his opponent standing hundreds of meters away. In an instant, he had crossed the distance between the two as his fist appeared inches away from Origin Saber's face!




Liam uttered in confusion. On the ground surrounding him were the pair of fools who had dared to try and rob him. Though they were pretty strong, how could they compare to him who had reached the absolute peak of the Earth Immortal realm?

Liam's face though was utterly cold and serious as he felt a mysterious force trying to pull his body further into the field of swords. He wasn't sure what this force was but, since he didn't sense any threat from it, this was possibly the so-called opportunity that was ever-present inside the dimension.

Dispersing his domain and sheathing his sword, Liam then flashed across the lands causing hundreds of afterimages. His speed was extremely quick, and using another technique that could quicken it, even more, afterimages that looked as real as his himself formed behind him.

The closer he approached, the more powerful the force pulling him was. Finally, after passing millions of different kinds of swords, in his vision, hundreds of kilometers away, an incredibly large black blade that went all the way into the skies began taking form in his vision.

But, closer to Liam, only a few kilometers away, a gathering of humanoid figures appeared. A cold expression appeared on his face as his thoughts churned. "If they're anything like those other humans, then I guess there'll be a lot of bloodsheds..." He mumbled while gazing at the few tens of figures.

In less than a breath of time, his figure materialized a short distance away from the group as he slowly approached them with his hand already resting on the hilt of his sword ready to unsheathe it at any given moment.

Suddenly, one of the figures turned toward the approaching Liam, and sensing the cold aura, he said almost teasingly. "Hmm, you must be a newbie. Let me guess, you appeared in this Domain and were surprised by the immensely high and potent amount of energy. Then, after awakening from a few years of cultivation, you were confronted by one or more individuals wanting to take your treasures. After this encounter, you're now distrusting of any and every human you see..."

"Have I guessed correctly?" He questioned with a smile. Liam's expression turned even colder. It seemed he had encountered a formidable foe who could see his past or something. He was ready to draw his sword as a killing intent escaped his eyes.

"Wow wow, hold up, wait a minute!!!" The man said with beads of sweat dripping down from his head as he quickly said, "What I said has happened to even us when we now appeared, this was why I could have guessed from your aura. We too were just like you." He said while pointing toward the people around him.

All of them had smiles on their faces as they watched Liam's slightly embarrassed expression. How could they not smile? Even if they wanted to rob him, what could one Liam do against almost fifty Earth Immortals?

"Anyway, since you've come here, is it that you were also drawn by the treasure?" He said while pointing at the giant sword reaching the skies. Nodding his head, Liam suddenly realized that all the cultivators present seemed to be gazing at the sword with greed in their eyes. Now he realized a problem if they all wanted this sword, wasn't a fight bound to happen anyway?

So why did everyone seem so peaceful with each other?

Sensing his confusion, the black-haired sword cultivator next to Liam smirked. He too was as confused as Liam when he first appeared in this place. He saw no problem in explaining to the newbie seeing as they'll soon need to work together anyway.

"We're waiting..." He said while drawing Liam's attention. "We're waiting for 'it' to appear. When a magic treasure is born, there normally is a test to obtain it. The more powerful this treasure is, the harder the test will be and the higher the chance you'll need to work together for most of the test!"