Chapter 197: Rebirth...


Saber grunted from the pain. His Origin's hand penetrated his chest, yanking out his heart, as he fell to the surface lifelessly. His hazy consciousness slowly began to disappear as the last thing he saw was a Leviathan flashing out his body and kneeling toward Origin Saber.

'Haha... Pathetic... Not only do I die by my Origin... But even this brat has betrayed what little trust I gave him...' Saber thought for one final time before... shutting his eyes sealed, accepting the return to nothingness he was about to experience!!




Opening his eyes, Saber confusedly assessed his surroundings.


Suddenly, a soul-shredding pain assaulted his body. Though he groaned in pain, surprisingly he couldn't hear his voice. But the pain he felt made it so that he didn't have the time to dwell on that as his eyes were forced wide open by an unknown force.

He saw a room.

No, he was inside a room.

The room was large and there wasn't anything inside it besides the white walls, white floor, and white ceiling that weren't close to him. The white walls were hundreds of meters away, and the white ceiling and floor didn't seem reachable.

He felt a sudden attraction toward the wall, so he went toward them. He flew forward closing the distance.

But, as he touched the wall, his hand went through it. His whole body then went through as what he laid his eyes on was another room with nothing. Looking back, the white walls weren't there.

This wasn't a room anymore.

This was an infinite space of white.

There wasn't anything that signaled to him a limit.

He felt that he could go in any one direction yet he would never reach the end.

He was trapped in an infinite white space.

He couldn't see anything, nor could he feel a thing.

By the time he realized it, the pain had already subsided as if he had grown accustomed to this new environment.

He felt as if he was in his home.

Looking at his hand, he didn't see anything besides an indefinite white. He felt he had become one with the white space. His body had disappeared, and his consciousness had long become fuzzy.


He wasn't sure how much time had passed but he felt something...

He felt like time didn't matter in the first place...

He felt like time was an illusion.

Like existence itself was an illusion...

What he felt right now was true comfort.

He wasn't warm, but he wasn't cold. He didn't feel anything and he didn't see anything besides white.

The sensation of anger he used to feel, hatred, lust for power, greed, anything, and everything, it had all disappeared.

Was he truly Saber?


That feeling of wanting to experience the unknown had also long disappeared too.


He didn't feel as if this sensation of wanting to discover the unknown had disappeared, he instead felt like he had already experienced all unknowns.

What he was feeling, what he had become, this was an unknown. He was the unknown. This is all.



Time passed.

It could be a second, or it could have been trillions of years.


Suddenly, the infinite white space rumbled!


A crack formed. This was a dark purple crack that stretched throughout the white space. Right after, hundreds of millions of different streaks of colors flew into the crack. Into the white space. Saber felt like these streaks of colors were invading his home.

Saber was angered. For the first time, he felt anger after a long while. Yet, he couldn't do anything.

Saber, or the white world, could only watch on helplessly as a dark purple aura permeated throughout the space.

Inside the purple aura, the millions of different colors began combining into one colossal ball filled with a seemingly infinite amount of color.


An explosion of colors took place. The white world which now could only helplessly be outcasted outside the aura of the dark purple, watched on as countless glittering dots were born. They resided in hundreds of massive dark purple balls.

Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine to be exact...

Then, there was a massive golden object randomly floating throughout the purple space. Next to it was an equally massive black object.

They both orbited around the nine glittering dark purple blobs.

Saber's mind went blank...



But, while he was about to pick up the corpse on the surface of the battle platform...


An extremely bright flash of white light that made Saber's mind go blank suddenly occurred. The world which surrounded the platform changed. As one half remained the same, the other half suddenly became a weird dim white!

This weird white suddenly broke apart into pieces. The world around the platform once more regained its dominating state, a dark purple world filled with infinite glittering stars.

But what caught Leviathan and Saber's attention was the many broken-apart white pieces going on to seemingly melt into a liquid. This liquid then formed a humanoid appearance before...


In a burst of light, Paragon Saber once more made his appearance though, this time he was different. Shockingly, his appearance was a few leagues higher than even Origin Saber, but that didn't matter in actual battle.

His white hair didn't even reach his neck and his white-colored eyebrows seemed to be in the shape of arching blades, giving off a sharp and cold aura. Saber's pupils were dark. Extremely black, so black that it looked even blacker than black.

Saber was now standing at barely 6'0. His pale skin resembled those of vampires. His lips which were enticing enough to cause both men and women to drool suddenly twisted into a smile that looked beyond sadistic.


One word echoed throughout the world!

A word from a frightening voice that was neither male nor female.


The same words resounded throughout the world. This time, the voice was more masculine, yet it contained a seductive trace. Gazing into the eyes of the 'thing' he once called a "mere copy" Saber couldn't help it as he said with a face filled with apprehension.

"What have you become?" Even he sensed an immense danger coming from the thing hundreds of meters away from him. Hearing his voice, the emotionless black eyes met with Saber's dark purple eyes as a voice resounded in Saber's mind.

"Have You Not Listened. My Name Is Oblivion!" While saying this, Oblivion's eyes squinted and a piercing sensation instantly assaulted Saber's senses. On his cheeks, was blood. Saber's skin had been split!!

'Huh?! When did he...' Saber shouted in his mind. Suddenly, the world surrounding the battle platform began breaking apart. On one side was a view of a wasteland filled with countless swords flying around.

On the other side of the platform was the view of a mountain. On closer look, it was a pile of dead bodies staked into a mountain!!

On one side was Heavenly Mystic Domain, and on the other side was Hell's Tower.

Saber's confusion intensified. But, Oblivion explained.

"We Aren't The Same Anymore. I Am Something Different. So, Now There Isn't Any Reason To Fight... Our Fate Which Was Previously In A Not With Each Other, Has Become Loose. I Am Not Tied To You Any Longer..." Oblivion said.

Hearing this, Saber understood the situation.

If he were to simply enter the portal leading to Hell's Tower, there wouldn't be a fight. But, something told him that if he didn't rid the world of Oblivion right now, he'll regret it for eternity!!