The Great Sun

Oblivion's confidence was high.

Rightfully so too. Any form of energy would immediately turn to nothingness once it appears a meter away from Oblivion. The same concept applied to Golden Serpent's domain. And also Red Eye Berserk's flames. As soon as it escaped his mouth and attacked Oblivion, it disappeared into nothingness.

Yet this didn't halt the anger she felt. Golden Serpent, suddenly flashed toward Oblivion with a golden spear in her hand. It seemed she had high favorability for gold. Her expression was cold and her eyes contained thick killing intent directed toward the handsome figure some tens of meters away from her who had a sword in hand.

Although she seemed to be blinded by rage, she had been in this world for some time. She still understood how grim the situation currently was. Though she was stronger than Red Eye Berserker, there was no way she could have killed him in such little time. From the time it took for Red Eye Berserker's Spirit Form to inform her that he and Oblivion were in a fight, to the time it took her to reach...

Not even half of a minute had passed... Yet, Oblivion had already defeated Red Eye Berserker! With a pair of emotionless eyes, Oblivion's dark pupils gazed at the incoming spear. It seemed like a snake and defied the laws of physics. Yet, before him, such insight in the Spear couldn't compare to the insights he had gained by using the Sword in the past three months.

His comprehension... It had seemingly been magnified greatly after his self-proclaimed metamorphism into what he is now. What was an exaggerated comprehension when he was Saber, and then increased after devouring the souls in the Hell's Gates, now, haha... There weren't any words to describe the current comprehension he possessed.

The past three months were enough as he calmly swung his sword toward the incoming spear as a dim sword intent coated the edges of his Blade!


A mini explosion occurred, and the incoming spear and its wielder were sent flying tens of meters back. The sudden surge of brute force that Oblivion exerted impacted Golden Serpent's body as she coughed a mouthful of blood and crashed into a tree.

Not even five seconds had passed since she had made her appearance, yet she was seemingly dominated already! With blood leaking from her mouth and her hair now disheveled, she sprang up to her feet when seeing Oblivion approach. Though his steps were slow and relaxed, as if he had no worries, with every step took, a weird and overbearing dread crept into her the depths of this golden-haired woman's heart.

Oblivion didn't even have an aura, yet his image carried a certain inexplicable feeling that brought about an indescribable fear that came from the depths of one's soul. The peculiar smile on his face that caused his eyes to turn into crescents brought about an even stranger sensation to permeate throughout the woman's body.


Clicking her tongue in annoyance, her sclera instantly morphed into a black color while her hazel pupils turned to gold in an instant.

'Elemental State...' Oblivion thought. This brought no alarm to him. Red Eye Berserker didn't have the chance to transform since his power was soo weak compared to Oblivion that in one attack he was already in a sorry state. Because it took a fraction of a second to evolve into one's elemental state, it was unrealistic for Red Eye Berserker to have tried and transformed hence the sneak attack with his "mouth energy beam"

But now that Golden Serpent had some distance from Oblivion, she had used this as an opportunity to transform. Oblivion didn't have any intention of stopping her anyway. He needed some fighting experience, after all, through battles, his understanding of the sword would increase. But, Oblivion's expression froze as he had seen something he hadn't previously seen before.

Normally, when one enters their elemental state, their sclera turns black and their pupils become the same color as the aura of their element. Henry, who had a deeper understanding of his element had a symbol that appeared behind his figure while Saber had a pair of flaming wings. But, what appeared in front of Oblivion, what she had transformed into was a massive Golden Serpent.

'Living up to one's title!' Oblivion thought while his expression became slightly more serious after experiencing the aura the Golden Serpent exuded. The Golden Serpent's body had grown from merely a few meters as it began expanding and swiveling around the surrounding trees.

10 meters...

20 meters...

40 meters...

80 meters...


A monstrous gigantic Golden Serpent more than two hundred meters and a pair of golden wings appeared in the forest as the cold and arrogant eyes gazed toward Oblivion. Seeing this, a dazzling smile descended onto Oblivion's face as his long sword radiated an intense bloodthirst while his eyes remained cold and aloof, detached from worldly affairs...

"I didn't think you could make me transform into my elemental form. Well done, it seems that..."

The Golden Serpent gazed at Oblivion and uttered in a condensing tone. But, as she continued to speak, Oblivion's figure suddenly disappeared from her view!



The long three-meter sword suddenly appeared in Golden Serpent's mind as she felt a part of her body mysteriously tear apart under a vicious and unimaginably sharp blade. The sound of metal penetrating skin resonated within Oblivion's ears as his grin never left his face.


Golden blood splattered on his face while he dug into the side of the serpent's body before yanking his sword back out in an utterly ruthless manner. Golden blood sprayed to the skies as Oblivion tried to keep back his laugh... Though he wasn't aware why he was brought pure bliss when seeing someone in their elemental state being soo abused.

Since he hadn't felt this way when dominating Red Eye Berserker, it was obvious to him that he only felt like this when someone entered their elemental state. The happiness he felt... came from the depths of his soul.

But, his face darkened in an instant!

'I... I was careless!!!'

Oblivion suddenly thought even though there didn't seem anything wrong. But, in an instant, one can see the golden blood that squirted out of the golden serpent's body suddenly begin glowing an even brighter gold before it then condensed into drops of liquid.


Intense heat...


They radiated intense heat as they approached Oblivion's body in but a mere instant. Though he had sensed this, he couldn't dodge it. But, it was approaching his heart region, and unlike before, even though he had the natural healing of an immortal cultivator multiplied a few times due to his new bloodline, it was still not comparable to the previous him.

If he was to be penetrated by those things, and it destroyed his heart... he was a goner!


Oblivion clicked his tongue as he twisted his body.



Even though he twisted his body, he was still penetrated as he fell to the ground in pain. A burning sensation assaulted his senses as without realization, the golden blood which splattered on his face suddenly shone gold!!!


A sizzling noise... Right after.


Oblivion let out a blood-curling scream that even reached the ears of the five Pseudo Profound Immortals who were approaching.

"Haha, this is what you get for daring to stand up to me. Feel the power of the great star!" Golden Serpent said while an illusionary sun appeared hovering over her head!!