Ascension Of The Sword!!

While this happened, the first Oblivion to order the sword dispersed into smoke that rushed into Oblivion's body. Oblivion on the other hand had a red hue on his cheeks as he accepted the rush of immense improvements to his Soul which in turn improved his Willpower which in turn improved his Comprehension which in turn would improve his Strength pretty soon.

This was understood by Oblivion causing an uncontrollable lust to enter his mind. Soon, he calmed his mind as he opened his eyes and saw the five other Oblivions turn into smoke that rushed into his pores.

"50%!" Oblivion voiced out toward the last remaining Oblivion who had a smirk on his face as he mumbled to Oblivion.

"It seems all the others are eager to return to Nothingness..."

"Well, I can understand since Blank is paradise compared to this hell called Existence." This Oblivion said with a smile that slowly morphed into a disgusted expression.

Hearing the words of his clone which he considered to be the closest to him seeing as he needed to split his Soul in half to create him, a dazzling smile surfaced on Oblivion's face as he nodded his head and replied.

"Hence, we, as the Harbingers of Emptiness are born. And I as the Prince of these Harbingers would do what my brothers failed to do and of course, succeed in this goal, which is to return everything to how it once was." Oblivion coolly replied with an indifferent expression with his hands behind his back.

One of his hands didn't have any skin yet Oblivion seemed to not mind as he continued, this time with a cheerful smile on his face that caused his eyes to form crescents...

"Hehe... Look!" While drawing the attention of his copy, he pointed toward the dark skies that mysteriously began to crackle with thunder and lightning. Purple lightning flashed in the skies as they seemingly began gathering together.

"Oh! It seems this Sword is about to finally face the obstacle to his ascension." The neigh naked Oblivion uttered in surprise. His left hand was behind his back while his right hand gripped onto a circular orb radiating with an intense heat that seemed to not affect this semi-naked fellow.

"Yes, it does seem to be the case. But, what I'm more interested in is the so-called Heavenly Lightning that comes around when things like ascensions take place. Hmph, this annoying thing is created from things that aren't supposed to exist in this place!" Oblivion said as for the first time he conveyed clear and utter disgust from the way he spoke.

"It doesn't matter. Eventually, we'll destroy them... We'll destroy them using their same people!!!" The naked Oblivion responded with a flash of insanity in his eyes while in his mind, the image of Saber in his Perfected Star Transformation form appeared.

"Yes... Yes, we will hehe..." Oblivion couldn't help chuckling while saying this. Taking a seat on a random branch while preparing himself to enjoy the upcoming show of ascension, his copy also appeared next to him while leaning on Oblivion's shoulder.

Seeing this, Oblivion raised an eyebrow before questioning in a cold voice tinged with anger.

"You... Didn't I tell you that the first thing you needed to do was sleep to regain your strength and then think about carrying out the goals!!"

But, his copy mumbled in his ear.

"I went on a killing spree and couldn't stop myself. I mean, it was too disgusting seeing soo many of those creatures no... soo many leeches."

"How else would there be soo many clones in merely three months?"

"The time used to rest, I used to create clones since you never know when an unexpected situation may arise... "

"You would have done the same."

"And by the time I said this was enough, those people bit the bait. So yeah, even if I wanted to, I couldn't." He said while closing his eyes.

Oblivion was left without room to complain and even though he was annoyed that this fellow would jeopardize weakening his Soul, he unintentionally smiled by the fellow's will.

It reminded him of himself.

Right after thinking this, a great sense of disgust suddenly washed over his body before another wave of immense anger rose from the roots of his soul. Shifting his attention.

"It begins..." He said under his breath while gazing at a purple lightning bolt streaking down to earth from the heavens with incredible power and speed toward a floating broad sword three meters long and half a meter broad.



"The reason why this little fellow could destroy a High-Level Treasure like the Sealing Array while still being a Low-Level Weapon Treasure was because the Sealing Array isn't meant to be attacked. But now, even if one has a High-Level Defense Treasure, I doubt that it would be able to take more than a dozen attacks from this little fellow."

An Oblivion with his now signature leaf covering the "little one" assessed the floating Katana in front of his eyes. His black eyes seemed to contain a whole universe inside of them, giving the illusion that one was watching a Higher entity to which they should prostrate.

These black eyes gazed on with interest toward the black-handled katana with a purple bade that constantly released a peculiar aura capable of drawing in one's attention. On the other hand, Oblivion with his clothes given by the system seemed to be more interested in the newly appearing Black-colored Sheathe that had numerous Golden-colored drawings and symbols.


"This old man was something else. Who would have thought he was capable of creating such a weapon capable of evolving continuously? A pity his other creation, that little android, was more loyal to Saber rather than I..."

Oblivion uttered. Though he respected the old man for creating such a good weapon that was perfectly suited for someone like him who needed a weapon that wasn't like any other, he did not worship the old man since one of his creations was useless to the current him.


Coldly snorting, Oblivion's counterpart responded to his statement with an annoyed expression.

"That brat didn't know what was good for him." While saying so, he approached Oblivion and threw him the red-colored orb that radiated intense heat. After doing this, he jumped onto a treetop as his figure disappeared, not before leaving his last words.

"Well anyway, that thing there is the Mission Target. It was a pain in the ass to get it since my strength wasn't all that great but now that I've finally regained my full strength, I'll once more begin the creation of clones while Annihilating those "leeches"

Creating clones... Oblivion thought his counterpart was a workaholic. Well, it did help greatly when setting the trap. With so many counterparts of his counterpart, almost everything inside the surrounding million kilometers could be under his surveillance. If not for the trap he had set for the group of stalkers, and his clones were properly spread out, Oblivion knew that this whole forest spanning a couple tens of millions of kilometers would be under his surveillance.

As for the leeches mentioned by his counterpart... Oblivion could only smile wryly when thinking that his other half seemed to have more hate towards existence than himself. But, it was better this way anyway since there was pretty much no chance of betrayal when both had one goal.

And unlike Saber, Oblivion didn't mind reading his other selves' memories so the chance of betrayal was non-existent.




(Happy Birthday To Myself)