Physiques, Mysterious People

Oblivion could only smile wryly when thinking that his other half seemed to have more hate towards existence than himself. But, it was better this way anyway since there was pretty much no chance of betrayal when both had one goal.

And unlike Saber, Oblivion didn't mind reading his other selves' memories so the chance of betrayal was non-existent.




The wind churned wildly around Oblivion's body while he sat in a meditative position in an open field. His skin released a dim white light that seemed to be some protective armor as his white hair that didn't reach past his neck floated wildly because of the powerful winds.


Suddenly, an explosion capable of sending one deaf for a moment or two occurred. It originated from the body of Oblivion as the previously dim light suddenly began glowing brighter ever so slightly...

But, before a substantial amount of time could pass, the light stopped increasing in its intensity. A normal person would be unable to even notice the difference in its brightness though as at the same time, Oblivion opened his eyes, revealing those unnaturally black orbs that seemed to draw in light.


Oblivion quietly uttered barely moving his lips. His expression was as cold and aloof as ever while his presence was overbearing yet non-existence. Oblivion seemed to be a contradicting existence, a peculiar entity, something not from the world of common sense.

[Name: Oblivion...]


[Race: Blank]

[Lifespan: Infinite]

[Bloodline Awakening: 0.05%]

[Elemental Comprehension: 0.05%]

[Physique: Void Physique]

[Abilities: Regeneration, Annihilation, Negation]

[Regeneration: Increased Healing]

[Annihilation: Those killed by Oblivion return to Oblivion]

[Negation: Oblivion is invulnerable to elemental attacks below a certain level (Warning: Physical attacks can still harm Oblivion]

[Power Level: Level 1 High-Level Earth Immortal]

[Pure Combat Power: Level 3 Peak Profound Immortal]

Seeing the contents on the blue holographic screen, Oblivion inquired.

"Hmm, what exactly is my 'Void Physique' useful for? There don't seem to be any benefits..." And upon asking this, his robotic ally who he considered much more useful than Leviathan, replied almost instantaneously as if it was expecting this question a long time ago.

[Without a Physique, one would be unable to gain abilities from their element. If one has a Sun Physique like the master's previous opponent, then one will be able to use the ability she named Great Sun]

[The Void Physique is what allows the master to use abilities such as Annihilation and Negation whilst amplifying your natural regeneration to a level where it could also be classified as an Ability]


It was the only thing Oblivion muttered. His expression remained unmoved even after hearing his system's words as he questioned once more.

"Hmm, so that woman had a Sun Physique then... what Physique did that Red Eye Berserker have?"

Once more, the system replied...

[The master, when fighting the Golden Serpent came in skin contact with her hence the system being able to register her information. But, the Red Eye Berserker and the master haven't once contacted one another through the skin]

[The system is unaware of what element he uses and also unaware of his Physique]


Snorting coldly, Oblivion stood up to his feet. Though he was slightly annoyed, he wasn't angered by the system's lack of information.

After all, that Red Eye Berserker wasn't in the living world anymore, so it would be unfitting of a Prince such as himself to be angered by an already dead entity.

Releasing a sigh, Oblivion's figure then disappeared. His business in this place was finished while the clones of his counterpart were busy expanding their view of this forest. Soon, he wouldn't even need to leave Slaying Dragon Safe Zone, yet he would already find whatever his mission's target would be.

Well, that's unless his missions involved something outside this forest.


A white humanoid figure who lacked a mouth, nose, ears, eyes, and anything else one would find in a normal human, faced the direction of a massive floating screen that took up an indefinite space.

It showed the scenes of a certain Oblivion going about getting the reward for his mission, which was quite a lot of gold coins. Oblivion would then head towards the Alchemy Hall and purchase a B+ Rank Energy Pill.

Soon, the images on the screen would show Oblivion in a room watching his sword absorbing the energy of the pill as he gazed with eyes showing his desire to also so easily increase his strength.

"So, Is This You're Son?" The white humanoid figure suddenly said while revealing a smile that showcased many rows of jagged teeth.

Suddenly, a humanoid with pale skin and truly pleasing features appeared next to the white humanoid entity. Her white long hair dragging on the ground fluttered behind her as if there was a strong wind even though there wasn't any.

Though one said ground, there wasn't much of a ground as it seemed as if the two were walking on an infinite void without any substance to stand on.

"He's Not My Son But Ours!" She replied, confirming that this woman with features many times more alluring than even Oblivion was in actuality his mother.


"My Son..."


As if angered by her words, eyes formed on the face of the white humanoid as he squinted while releasing a cold intent.

He then waved his hand, shattering the images being displayed as he turned around and walked toward the beautiful woman.

"Hehe... We'll See. I Am Unsure Why You Think He Can Pass My Trial But, I've Made Sure To Make This One Just A Tiny Bit Harder..."

"But... If He Can Truly Make It To Me, Without Needing The Help Of Little Zeno... I'll Acknowledge Him As My One Son." While his figure disappeared from the mysterious space, he left words that radiated with power and authority that left the void shaking and tearing apart from the inside.


Two more months passed.

And for those who had set their eyes on Oblivion's possible fortune of Energy Enhancing Pills of B+ rank and lower, they all had to rethink such an idea after the sudden disappearance of not one, but two Profound Immortals who they all knew to be two of the most greedy Humans in the city.

To these entities who lived countless years, it was quite easy to put two and two together. It was obvious that these two Profound Immortals had conspired together, and even though they worked together, they were still killed by Oblivion.

What truly alarmed the beings of this city wasn't that Oblivion had killed them but instead how he killed them was still unknown.

One must know, to these Profound Immortals, Oblivion obliterated Golden Serpent and Red Eye Berserker before they even had a chance to use their escape talismans.

They didn't dare believe that the two Profound Immortals used the escape talismans and even with the great distance between them and Oblivion, he still caught up to them.

What scared these Profound Immortals, even more, is the fact that Oblivion most likely defeated them in head-on combat. After all, whatever traps there were, the beings weaker than Profound Immortals that Golden Serpent and Red Eye Berserker took to this battle would be canon fodder who would have fallen in traps instead of them.

All in all, the many mysteries between Oblivion's battle with Golden Serpent and Red Eye Berserker caused many who previously schemed against Oblivion to suddenly regain cautiousness.

Greed instantly dissipated when it comes to someone much stronger than oneself.