The City Lord


"And who do you think you're talking to with such attitude?!" A busty woman with blonde hair tied in a pigtail shouted toward a figure sitting elegantly while sipping on some tea.

With perfect etiquette to boot, he completely ignored the woman as he focused intently on the tea in his hand.

He had a mask that covered his forehead to the tip of his nose, leaving only his lips and chin to be seen by the outside world yet, that alone was enticing enough to cause some females to approach him.

After politely rejecting this woman, she suddenly raised her voice and aura causing the person to think to himself with a slight smirk on his face which dazzled all who saw.

'Sigh!... Women.'

If he wasn't such a patient and kind-hearted soul, he would have already been fuming with anger by now because of such an attitude.

Well, at least, this was his way of thinking.

For he was Oblivion, an enforcer of Violent Justice as he aimed to restore existence as how it once was...

'Anyway, she still has to die but, not because I'm pissed off by her behavior, more so because she's just like the others and they all share the same fate anyway...' Oblivion thought to himself while sipping his tea.

"Who is this woman? Does she not know who that person is?" A random bystander who was present in the restaurant said when hearing her outburst.

"Just another person courting death."

"Hmph! I don't care if she's courting death or not but, don't bring my innocent ass into it!!" As this person said it, he got up from his seat before rushing out of the shop followed by many others who were in the know of the identity of the masked assailant.

Leaving an utterly confused blonde alone with Oblivion in the store.

"Okay, Okay... I'm lying to myself." Oblivion suddenly said out loud while continuing. "You might see me as kind but I'm not. I desire people to watch me in awe, fear, and respect just before I annihilate them... Anyway, for your previous rudeness, there will not in any circumstance be forgiveness!!"

As Oblivion said these words, a dim light coated his skin as he gently placed his teacup on the table and began standing on his feet. On the other hand, the blonde-haired woman had already read the room and began unknowingly stepping back.

She was scared.

Although she couldn't sense his energy, hence her previous outburst of arrogance, she now felt a horrible sensation originating from her heart.




All these emotions sprang into life as Oblivion unhurriedly approached her figure which had already fallen to the ground.

She sat on her ass and a weird smell permeated the air as she had unknowingly peed herself in utter fear.

It should have been expected though since Oblivion's strength when compared to the strength of an Earth Immortal... the disparity was as big as the disparity between heaven and earth.

Stooping down and resting his right hand on the blonde woman's cheeks, Oblivion uttered with a wide grin now on his face.

"How many people have pissed you off that you killed soon after..?"

His question was not being registered in the female's mind as the area where Oblivion's right hand contacted slowly began breaking down into small particles.

The dim light that escaped Oblivion's skin spread throughout the blonde woman's body as wherever it went, the skin, muscles, bones, veins, and down to the atoms that made this woman who she was, were all completely disintegrated.

"It is oddly satisfying is it not?" Oblivion questioned the fading body of the blonde woman that before long, completely disappeared from the living realm.


While thinking all this, Oblivion continued to sip his tea as the woman, after realizing how childish she was being, simply snorted before leaving. Even though he was rather close to attacking the woman, Oblivion remained calm since the rules didn't allow for killing in the Safe Zone.

Plus, two months back, when he had just returned to the city after killing Golden Serpent and Red Eye Berserker, he was summoned to the City Lord's abode where something rather interesting took place.


The aura of this entity who sat with his feet tucked under his body and an erect spine with his hands on his knees was soo powerful that the nearby servants couldn't help but feel dizzy. Yet, the figure sitting with his legs folded across on the other side of the table remains unbothered with an aloof persona.

"Why do you seek my help? According to your previous words, wouldn't it be simpler to ask those Golden Immortals of Slaughtering Dragon Company for help? Why choose to take on a risk like this, even expecting Profound Immortals to help you?!"

Oblivion, who sat crossed legs while sipping the tea he was given by a servant of the man who he was currently speaking with, asked doubtfully. It wasn't long after he had re-entered the Safe Zone and was he later summoned to the City Lord's mansion. Since it was quite obvious who the stronger one was, Oblivion didn't want any bad blood between the two... just yet.

"As you said. It would be much easier and safer asking a Golden Immortal of my Sect for help but..." And as the City Lord reached this point, his attractive face showed an expression of disgust while he said.

"Those old fogies only want to extort their Juniors. The moment I ask for their help in searching for this treasure... The moment the treasure is confirmed to exist... those old monsters won't hesitate to attack and kill me to get it!"

Hearing this, Oblivion's thoughts churned as he internally smiled. He had greatly benefited by coming here as the information he now knew was many times much more than the memories of the first person he had killed upon entering Heavenly Mystic Domain.

Not only did he now know the next realm of power, the Golden Immortal Realm, but also much more about this Domain.

He now understood that one can only enter the Heavenly Mystic Domain twice in one's existence, hence the reason why Darkness Lord, even though she could become much stronger inside Heavenly Mystic Domain, still didn't enter even when war was close by...

She had probably been in Heavenly Mystic Domain twice.

Oblivion also knew that the Outer Region where he had been teleported into and the location of all Earth Immortals and Profound Immortals... Then, there was the Inner Region which only Golden Immortals and higher dare to enter.

Speaking of the Inner Region, it was this location of the Heavenly Mystic Domain that the City Lord wanted to go to acquire the so-called treasure which could incur the lust of even Golden Immortals.

To enter such a dangerous place, the City Lord, for quite some time now had been building a force of strong Profound Immortals and Pseudo Golden Immortals who entered his Safe Zone.

Gazing into the cup of tea in his hand, Oblivion then said with a smile on his face.

"Hmm... Such an important treasure that can cause even Golden Immortals to harm their own. No wonder you wouldn't want any Golden Immortals to know of this but..."