Birth Of The Undead Army (2)

Waving his hand, his dark robe fluttered, revealing his skeleton forearm as a wave of dark green energy rushed out of the skeleton's mouth. Covering the skies, it rushed toward Saber's location as Adrianna had a fearful expression on her face upon seeing it..!


Adrianna's body instantly released an endless dark aura. Blood wasn't the only element she could manipulate. Darkness was something she had before she became a Vampire, so her comprehension of it was even higher than Blood.

Waving her hand, a massive dragon mouth made up of darkness appeared in the skies. "This..!" It was the first time Saber had seen her use something like this. All this time she hid something like this that released power even he couldn't overlook... hehe... it seems she tried hiding it but, this green energy was something that caused her to take out the trump card.

"Come let's go! That green energy, don't let-!" Adrianna couldn't utter a word more as the green aura washed over their bodies..! It had bypassed the dragon's mouth no, it went through the mouth of the dragon made up of darkness, washing over their bodies.

Immediately, Adrianna's face changed. An ugly expression replaced her usual calm outlook.

What had just washed over her body, Saber and Adrianna felt it taking away something. It took something that they couldn't grasp yet understood that whatever it was... it was important.

Their movements immediately turned sluggish. Especially, Adrianna as she was about to turn around, and exit this city. It was a mistake to even enter. Litch... these things were too weird and mysterious, it was something that they, a pair of brats who were Vampires, couldn't understand.

'Us Vampires can rush through realms of power but, compared to others in the same realm, we may not necessarily be able to match up against them. Not until we reach the peak of this realm.

This Litch though, it seems that it is already at the peak of the Profound Immortal realm not to mention me, hell, even Saber wouldn't be able to match up against this thing!'

Thinking this, her expression became even darker. Her situation wasn't looking good at all, and she understood that the thing leaving her was called longevity.

The Litch race had such a special ability to thief others' longevity and Vampires... their bodies are filled with it. Yet, even if this was the case, it didn't mean Vampires had an infinite lifespan, it was just many times longer than regular Immortal cultivators.

Grabbing Saber's arm, she spun around and zoomed across the air, hoping to leave the city at once but, although she intended to do this, she realized she wasn't moving at all. Her movement was paused as Saber who would have been pulled away felt like an unmovable boulder.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk... why are you acting so scared? If I Saber Blade dare to enter this city of undead then, I Saber Blade also can win." Saber said, " Simply because this thing affects you soo much, doesn't mean I am affected like you!"

Turning around, Saber's unsheathed sword began releasing light. The undead army of a few ten thousand was by now some hundred meters away from them. With the level of power Profound Immortals contained, hundreds of meters away could be converted to mere meters away as it would take a footstep or two to cover such ground.

Even though normal Profound Immortals would get into some trouble to prepare a special move in such a short amount of time, Saber wasn't considered normal by any means.

In fact, seeing them rushing toward him, Saber had a smirk on his face. It was a smirk that was reassuring as if everything was under his control.

{Ultimate Sword Art... Slashing Stars}


The void shook as ripples formed in the space. In the surrounding thousands of miles, an endless river of flames appeared. This river of flames then took the form of countless swords with a wave of Saber's sword, these swords rushed toward each of the undead.

Fwoosh! Slice! BOOM!

The space was torn apart as the heads of the undead flew to the skies. Some bodies were cleaved in half, torn open and revealing their inner organs, or simply turned into black mist.

Right after, an explosion comparable to a supernova took place. Like a dying star releasing its last cry, a deafening explosion took place.

Levitating in the air with a sword in his hand, Saber remained upright. If the skies fell, he'll remain standing. If the Heavens wanted him dead, he'll slaughter the Heavens. Watching this back, even Adrianna's playful heart was moved.

The power to slaughter tens of thousands of Profound Immortal in one slash of the sword... was something that made one understand what invincibility in a realm was.

Some would say they were invincible in a realm when they just barely defeat ten others in this realm but was that truly invincibility..? No, of course not!

Standing in the air, Saber glanced at Adrianna behind her, "So what now, do you think a mere baby trick from some Litch can affect me?!" His words resounded in his surroundings, entering the ears of the two other figures.

"Saber, to truly get rid of this, you must kill the Litch himself. If he's still alive, not only would the tens of thousands of undead you just kill be reformed but, the Death energy that is sapping away at our longevity would forever be stuck."


"Knowing this, you were still going to run away?.." Saber asked. Adrianna replied, "Well, the chances of finding a treasure capable of ridding the Death energy was higher than defeating the Litch so I decided on the former, not defeating the Litch. After all, it is at the peak of the Profound Immortal realm..!"


"I see!" Saber uttered as his eyes landed on the humanoid figure thousands of meters away. Mere hundreds of meters away, the previously obliterated bodies of the undead army were beginning to be reformed. 'Such a broken ability... Yes, now I truly want to devour that Litch..!' Thinking this, Saber's figure blurred.

Rushing ripping apart at the space, Saber appeared in front of the Litch in nanoseconds. His expression was as calm as always. He didn't even rush across the space yet, his speed caused the fabrics of space to spew flames.

Adrianna didn't even see his movements. Her expressions didn't have a chance to form when suddenly...


The clash between the Litch and Saber began. Sword met staff as the skeleton on the Litch's staff began releasing dark green light. Saber didn't take it on as he casually swiped his sword.

Even though it was casual swipes, the space was constantly torn apart. Even if it tried to repair itself, it would only be torn apart again once the sword moved even slightly. The Litch was able to react to his movements, surprising Saber enough to raise an eyebrow.

"Okay, let's speed things up a little..!" His voice loudly resounded in the surroundings. In a nanosecond, thousands of sword strikes rushed toward the Litch. The fight had only just begun but the fight had already reached its peak.

Even though things seemed like Saber would easily overpower his opponent...


The Litch released weird laughter. "Hahaha... do Litch people feel enough fear that they'll also go mad in it?" But, Saber's expression froze and the sword in his hand suddenly began to disintegrate...

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

The staff in the Litch's hand struck Saber's bare body billions of times in a second, leaving symbols that looked like skeletons on his skin. Saber's skin paled immediately after...!