Earth Immortal Freak (End)

"Finally!" Benjamin, the city lord eagerly shouted out after appearing in front of a massive door with mysterious dark purple patterns on it. He had a grin that reached from ear to ear as countless desires flashed through his mind.

Thinking back, it was pure luck as to how he came to know of this. It just so happened that he had killed someone that possessed the map that lead to this place.

When he had just gotten the map, he didn't think too much about it, after all, it was a map that lead to a place inside the Inner Sector, a place filled with Golden Immortals.

Only death awaited in a place that he didn't even what was present in it.

But, this way of thinking was flipped upside down when he just so happened to kill someone who had information about this place.

A place that was the home of an incredibly powerful treasure. A treasure that would never be born in the Universe. A treasure that could kill even Prime Immortals, and if a Prime Immortal used this, he'll be invincible in the Universe, capable of killing True Immortals!

Yet, even after gaining the information, it was all useless when realizing that there wasn't any way to enter the location passed those doors. He didn't have the necessary item that worked as a key to open those doors...

But... As luck would have it, for the third time in a row, he had stroked big time and killed an Immortal with the key to this place.

No matter how someone looked at it, the city lord was destined to become the supreme being who looked down on all life in the Universe.

The city lord's space ring lit up.

Immediately, a purple bead the size of a golf ball appeared, levitating next to the city lord's figure. It released resplendent light before rushing toward the door as if returning home.


The door vibrated wildly. As the bead entered the door, a dark purple light was released and instantly thereafter, the city lord felt his mind go blank. As if ten hammers were being pounded into his soul by a supreme god of smithing.

But, this only served to make him smile even more. The door slowly opened, shaking even more and more the wider it opened. The wider it opened, the more painful the city lord would find it to keep his eyes open.

This level of pain... The city lord thought that it wasn't enough. He could still function under such oppressiveness. The desire to gain whatever treasure there was located on the other side also caused his heart to thump even more.

Soon, the door fully opened. On the other side, what the city lord saw was endless darkness. Even in the face of this darkness though, without any visible hesitation, he walked toward the door as his figure was soon completely shrouded in the darkness of the other side.

Thrum! Bam!

The ground vibrated as the door violently shut closed. Inside these doors that seemed to have been carved by an ancient god, the city lord stood floating in a mysterious purple space. This space was similar to a Universe with countless glowing stars... it was quite similar to inside Saber's body...

The city lord's vision was taken up by another door close by, or more accurately, he stared toward the words written in black floating above the doors.

It wasn't that he wanted to stare at these words though, more like, he was forced by a mysterious force to stare at these words, yet even now, he hadn't realized such a fact.

What he saw... Cosmic Warriors and above will be killed in both body and soul the moment one of such enters passed these doors. If one is under the level of Cosmic Warrior, one is allowed to enter past these doors...

'Even though I don't know what a Cosmic Warrior is, I don't care about risking my life, especially when I'm this close to getting that treasure. Once I acquire that, hehe... even my parents would have to bow down in front of my presence... no, the whole universe!'


With his ambitions spiraling out of control, Benjamin flashed across the space and appeared in front of the doors. Without hesitation, he pushed it open with relative ease, stepping inside it and soon being ensured by a bright light.



The darks were dark, incredibly so. In these dark clouds was crackling lightning that seemed as if it would tear the skies apart. One can see large tornados down on the land and present there was a young man with long white hair sitting with his eyes closed.

Above him, in the skies were two weapons. One was a long sword with a thin yet sharp blade while the other was a long blue spear with blue lightning running like snakes around the rod.

Shockingly, the spear was slowly being devoured by a black hole that originated from the spear. At the same time, the more pieces of this spear that were devoured, the more bolts of lightning would rush down from the skies and land on this sword.

"Didn't know it could do that..." Oblivion muttered under his breath. After devouring the corpses of the Profound Immortals and two Pseudo Golden Immortals, it was enough for the weapon to become a top-class High-Rank treasure.

It was when it devoured all these corpses that it then broke free from Oblivion's control and appeared over the spear and began... Devour. It began to devour the treasure. Seeing this, Oblivion didn't stop it. For him, the stronger his weapon became, the better it was for him.

Even though he couldn't infuse energy into it because he didn't have energy, at least, his weapon was becoming stronger by itself. Though he couldn't use the abilities of the sword, once the sword was sturdy and wouldn't break during battle, it was enough for him.


An aura was released, enshrouding the skies and descending onto Oblivion's body. If it was a mere Profound Immortal, even Pseudo Golden Immortals would be completely suppressed by this aura but, Oblivion was unbothered.

After killing the Profound Immortals and the two Pseudo Golden Immortals, Oblivion's strength skyrocketed once more.

Though he wasn't sure how powerful exactly a Golden Immortal was, he knew that with his current strength, he wasn't far off... Yet, even now, he didn't feel as if he'll become a Profound Immortal anytime soon.


A massive hundred-meter bolt of black lightning descended onto the blade of the sword. Surprisingly, the sword remained perfectly fine, unaffected by the tribulation as it completely devoured the spear, and shockingly, snake-like forms of lightning slithered around the now pitch-black blade.


As if with a mind of its own, the sword trembled. Right after, it began descending to earth. In a fraction of a second, it appeared levitating in front of Oblivion's body while releasing a mysterious mixture of blue and purple light.

Gazing at the purple hilt, then at the black blade that had blue patterns on it, Oblivion grabbed hold of the hilt.


A piercing pain shocked Oblivion's body. In his mind, bouts of information appeared. Taking a moment to process it, a smile formed on his face.


Oblivion chuckled. Right after, the sword in his hand released a purple light as Oblivion's figure disappeared in a flash...

At the same time, two figures suddenly appeared in the skies. Each released an incredibly powerful aura that distorted the space. One was a veiled woman who Oblivion would recognize as Cecelia, while the other was a young man with an aura even more powerful than Cecelia's..!