Vs All (1)

The spear god remained standing in the skies, gazing at the figure of a purple-haired man. The silvery armor broke apart like shards of glass before appearing in the form of a mirror next to the spear god's figure.

"I didn't want to use this whatsoever. It brings me great disappointment in myself to use this treasure to deal with you but, it brings me much more anger that you've forced me to use this treasure... To deal with a mere Profound Immortal with a little more energy than normal Profound Immortals at your level..!"

Spear God watched down from the skies as if a god staring down on an ant, he had a pair of cold furrowed brows. The being he stared at stood upright, unafraid by the pair of dark and deep eyes that seemed capable of devouring one's soul.

Saber smiled. "A mere Profound Immortal you say...?" Immediately, a golden light escaped Saber's body and began climbing to reach the clouds and beyond. A dignified presence descended down to earth as if a banished Immortal from the heavens had released his aura.

"This mere Profound Immortal is an invincible existence, the likes a mere Pseudo Golden Immortal like yourself is unable to comprehend... I, as a mere Profound Immortal, will make you understand what utter suppression is..!"


At this moment, the aura of invincibility radiated from Saber's figure making him seem like a Holy existence one must bow down to and worship. His purple hair had a light gold color at the edges of it that floated mere inches above the surface of this wasteland.

Saber levitated above the lands with an aura that continued to rise. But, spear god wasn't going to stand still and watch as his opponent grew stronger through unknown means. Even with a high level of pride, he wasn't a complete idiot.

The glass mirror floating in the skies next to him released rays of multicolored light that enveloped the spear god's body. A resplendent rainbow-colored armor adorned the middle-aged man's body as he gripped the spear in his hand and his cold eyes burst forth with endless power.

At this moment, 'This power... it's enough to destroy small galaxies... I don't believe this brat can possibly compare to me at the moment!'


His thoughts remained in his mind though. At the same time, countless hundreds of figures suddenly made their way into the vicinity of these two peak powers.

They were close by in the terms of Profound Immortals, it was actually hundreds of thousands of kilometers away but, it was possible to see down to the appearances of the two... Spear god and Saber... greatly shocking the knowledgeable who had previously seen the Spear god before.

"Who is that boy facing the Spear god? Does he have a death wish?!"

"Spear god is the highest of powers on the fourth floor, anyone who fights him has all succumbed to his spear in the most bloody of fashions... Anyway, that'll be a good show!"

"But, look at his serious expression. I've never seen the Spear god like this before... It seems that the fellow he's facing is actually not an idiot."

Spear God was the supreme existence of the fourth floor, after all, he was an ultimate existence with the highest chance of entering the next floor of hell's tower, so seeing his solemn expression when gazing at the youth tens of hundreds of meters away, it broth these Profound Immortals endless surprises.


The very surface of the fourth floor began to vibrate. In the surrounding million kilometers, two domains clashed with intense ferocity!

One domain carried the power of a mysterious armor treasure while the other... it was a domain that contained the power of several elements!...

Xiu! Xiu!

At the same, if they come to a mental agreement, two figures disappeared. Descending from the clouds, and ascending from the earth. It took them less than a fraction of a microsecond to meet.


201,402 punches after the first punch, sound finally resounded throughout the surrounding one hundred million kilometers. Not even a microsecond had passed but, an incredibly powerful shockwave sent all the nearby Profound Immortals flying due to impact.

Above, the clouds dispersed in an instant. The dark skies parted and the crimson celestial bodies were destroyed almost instantly!



The Profound Immortals felt their blood drain and their skin paled. What was happening right now was no different than an apocalypse.

"God! Help me... please..." The celestial bodies were obliterated into countless pieces as they transformed into meteorites that descended onto the lands below.

Countless billions of miles away, everyone was affected. The whole fourth floor shook wildly as the power that was released by these two humanoid bodies reverberated throughout the whole floor.

At that moment, at the epicenter, the two origins of this madness were exchanging countless blows every second. Punch after punch, the spear god was counterattacking and interweaving through Saber's punches as he attacked with his spear.

It was an incredible sight. His spear seemed to have the elasticity of a snake while the brute force of a rhino. Yet, even under attacks capable of pulverizing billions of celestial bodies and stars, Saber had a smirk on his face as he tanked it and sent his own attacks, punches, kicks, and even headbutts.

He didn't bother to use a sword. As of this moment, with every attack he took, his invincible aura rose, his strength grew and the golden Immortal luster he released skyrocketed.


Suddenly, in the now clear blue skies, a crunching sound resonated in the vicinity. On the transparent skies, a massive long crack appeared.

As this happened, the two figures battling it out in the skies didn't give it much more than a glance as they continued to attack the other with the intent to kill.


Immediately after appearing, the infinite black space beyond the skies seemed to become a black hole specifically aiming to suck in the spear god and Saber.

These two figures continued their fighting even as they were being forcefully moved to a different location by the Hell's Tower itself... such was the desire to defeat the other.

'Hmm, I wonder what this is... Oh! This thing, it's probably to enter the third floor...' Saber's curious gaze left the figure of his opponent and glanced at the hole he was being drawn into.

When one reaches a certain level of power that the floor isn't able to cope with, one had two options which were to either forcefully shatter the void space and break out of the floor which would normally take one who has broken through a major realm or...

With strength at the absolute pinnacle of the realm coupled with a treasure like what the spear god adorned, one's fighting power has already transcended their own realm and also the limitations of the floor yet fail to break out of the floor and instead cause unnecessary havoc in the said floor, it has now become the responsibility of the Hell's Tower itself to forcefully throw these two individuals into the higher floor.

At this moment, the latter was taking place. These two powers were simply too powerful for the fourth floor and were being thrown into the Third Floor of Hell's Tower.

Saber smirked, "Yow! Spear god, can you increase your strength..? It's becoming boring now!"


Spear god's expressions momentarily froze before darkening. This opponent of his was trying to piss him off, wasn't he!...