Pure-Heart (End)

In the world beyond the universes, there were two tribes. There were those with grey hair, and there were those with purple hair.

One tribe called themselves the void tribe while the other called themselves Deities.

The Deities were able to understand the mysteries of the world, raising their power to incredible levels. They were all born with an Innate Talent to comprehend a certain mystery.

For example, some were able to comprehend the mystery of flames faster due to their innate talent for flames.

Those of the void tribe were unable to sense the mysteries of the world but, the more they annihilated the deities, the stronger their understanding of their essence became.

Naturally, seeing as this was the only way to grow, the beings of the Void Clan and the Deity Tribe entered a warring state that lasted eons.

But, it was momentarily paused after the appearance of certain individuals.

Over the years that went by, individuals from the universes had seemingly ascended into these worlds.

At first, they were treated special since these two clans didn't understand why their hair was different, but after realizing how weak they were...

Soon, these people who ascended the constraints of their universe regretted it. They were no different than slaves for these people with either grey or purple hair.

As these people had strength many times more than those who ascended, there was no other choice.

The individuals from the universe were the cannon fodders of the wars.

The lucky ones who slowly grew more powerful in the wars were able to gain high positions in the two superpowers.

They were promoted from cannon fodders to servants of some influential and powerful figures and their families, even rewarded with the essence of the Deities, becoming half members of the race...

The ascended had no other choice as only the superpowers had supreme power.

At some point in time, someone was born. He had the status of the possible heir to the throne of one superpower.

He was sent to a universe with nothing more than a butler... A butler named Zeno.



Sitting with crossed legs and in a meditative posture was a figure with long white hair. On his forehead was a miniature black and white wheel as he opened his eyes.

Gazing at the surrounding space, the endless grey space, he had multiple question marks but also a light of understanding.

"Samsara ... No, it can't be considered rebirth since I technically did not die ... I have just, well... I don't know. My understanding hasn't reached that level but, if, just if..."

Oblivion muttered incoherently as he stood to his feet. In his mind, an image of a certain figure appeared.

"All this, my whole life was already predicted...

"The splitting soul technique or the clone creation technique was a technique not for that past me, but the current me."

Oblivion's figure slowly floated toward the door. The door he used to enter this place was inching closer to him as he continued his utterings.

"Reconstruct that technique and completely reverse its effects. Saber and I were previously one, so it would work...

"The two of us would fuse instead of following the patterns of the rest of the Void Deities... or should I say the rest of Pure-Hearts!"


"The only problem is whether Saber would be willing. Is he also affected by the others of his race and my race, or not...?"

Oblivion suddenly smirked.

"Well, they aren't different races, they aren't even different people, they're all separate but the same. Though they're different, the origin is the same. When they die, they once more enter the embrace of the origin...

"The only people I don't understand are... The ones of the universe. Those from the universe, the ascended and the ones inside not just this universe but the others too, what are they..?"

As he thought of this, Oblivion had already reached in front of the door which was the cause of his current state.

The door was closed. Looking at the door, Oblivion's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of needles. He was in a state of utter shock.


These words were etched onto the doors. Understanding dawned on Oblivion, causing him a great shock. His emotions fluctuated rapidly.

"So this was how it was... Sigh! Amazing, I'm amazing. To think my past self could create an illusion like this... An illusion which borders between fake and reality."

Saying this, Oblivion shook his head.

"No, if one understands what reality looks like, one wouldn't necessarily fall into this illusion. After all, the Laws of this world are broken.

"Even the past me couldn't cultivate as fast as the current me. The shocking thing is the fact that it isn't just me who can cultivate soo quickly but those who are me but aren't me either."

Opening the door and stepping outside, the miniature wheel on his forehead suddenly spun rapidly, and right after, a pathway in the endless darkness opened.


"All this... Everything is a waste. To begin with, my whole ideals were stupid. The fact that I lived for someone, no, some concept instead of myself. Tsk, tsk, tsk, technically this concept is also me too soo..."


"It doesn't matter anyway, right now, the only thing that matters is to become Pure-Heart once again.

"Due to that Operation Law, I'm unable to become the Pure-Heart of last time right away, but with my origin leaving my body and becoming this realm...

"Once I become Pure-Heart, absorbing the energy which was naturally once mine, would be no problem. Though I've lost my insights into the origin of mysteries, I can still re-enter the state after my re-awakening!"


"And Ancient Cosmos... Hehehe, it should have already passed Samsara.

"Seeing as I'm still alive, it means that due to the injuries it suffered from those Operation Laws, coupled with the Grey Space...

"Hehe, it has lost memories of myself, well, at the very least, it has lost soo much of its power that it can't do anything to my origin."

After all, even though it gives birth to a new consciousness, this consciousness would have all the memories of the previous samsara era!

Now that it wasn't attacking and harming Oblivion's and Saber's origin... No, Pure-Heart's origin, then it was safe to assume it was in a state where it physically could not possibly harm his origin!

Reaching this conclusion, Oblivion frowned.

"I may have lost the previous battle but, at the moment, I've got the upper hand in the war. The only problem is, after regaining my power, after once more gaining insight into the origin of mysteries, am I able to face the Ancient Cosmos?"


Saying this, Oblivion had already reached the door that led to the outside world. In the space behind him, the fabrics had already begun to crumble.

The wheel of black and white seemed to support this place, but now that it had entered Oblivion's glabella, the space had lost its support.

Entering the door which opened by itself upon the miniature wheel's light being shone onto it, Oblivion muttered.

"Anyway, the most important thing is to regain my previous strength. Strength of what those civilizations called the Primogenitor of the Ancient Gods...!"


The name which he hadn't taken seriously at that time, once more resurfaced in his mind, causing him to smile.

But, this smile froze the moment he saw those who stood outside the door!