Monstrosity (1)

Trying to form a realm inside someone else's realm would be impossible unless the disparity in strength was unimaginable.

At this moment, something similar was taking place but, it wasn't inside the realm of merely one person but, inside the realm of several people.

Thrum! Tremble! Rumble!

"I-... Impossible!"

Sword Demon felt a shiver run up his spine. Nothing changed even after Saber's voice had resounded throughout the realms.

Precisely due to the shocking fact that nothing had changed, Sword Demon felt chills and his pores raise. This was supposed to be impossible after all.

Nothing changed. Saber was still alive. This meant that the massive sword he had used to attack Saber hadn't harmed this being at all.

"T... This... This is impossible!"

Sword Demon shouted at the top of his voice. His voice traveled through the surrounding miles and entered the ears of those Golden Immortals nearby.

They too were shocked. It was common sense that trying to create one's realm inside another's realm was a fool's dream.

Yet, in front of their disbelieving eyes, Saber shouted these words under the pressure of several realms. And the most shocking thing was, though they couldn't see any difference, everyone felt that a realm had formed.

It was a realm that they hadn't understood at all. Though nothing changed in terms of the appearance of their surroundings, the suppression that descended on their bodies couldn't be fake.

They were inside someone else's realm!

Coldly smirking, Saber pushed his right palm toward the massive sword seemingly frozen in space and time.

Crunch! Boom!

Cracks formed on the massive sword as soon after, in front of the eyes of the shocked Golden Immortals, it had completely dematerialized into particles.

The deadly stream of sword intent had oh so casually been destroyed. At this time, Saber's image in the eyes of those Golden Immortals had shot through the roof.


Seeing Saber's casual expression, fear penetrated their souls. The knowing smile on Saber's face only added to their fear.

"Hehe, oh, look how the mighty have fallen! Do you think you people are all that strong in my presence?" Saber teased.

His figure slowly turned into a blur. Though it was slowly turning into a blur, before he had time to completely disappear, his figure had already appeared in front of the group of Golden Immortals thousands of miles away.

It was as simple as eating and drinking for Saber to cross such a distance with a single step. Hmm... Even half of a step would be too much to cross such a small distance.

So, one could expect that he had instantly appeared in front of Sword Demon who was the lead figure in this group of a few tens of Golden Immortals.

This few tens of Golden Immortals, under a casual wave of the hand that was used to destroy the sword from the Sword Demon, this group had been torn apart.

Yes, inside his realm, Saber didn't take the sword seriously and split his attack to harm the group of Golden Immortals.

By now, standing in front of him were seven figures who were injured. There were three or four severely injured Golden Immortals, and the rest were long gone!

With his hand behind his back, Saber lazily glanced in the Sword Demon's direction with a calm smile always etched onto his face.

"Sword Demon, I bet you didn't expect this now, did you?" Saber casually said to Sword Demon, whose face was morphing into a bright red color.


The Sword Demon on the third floor was truly angry at the moment. Toward Saber, he felt nothing except rage.

Who was this newly promoted Golden Immortal that dared to act so high and mighty in the presence of him, the Sword Demon?

"I didn't view you as that much of a threat so I sent out a casual strike. Who would have thought that due to this, you'd grow not one but multiple guts."

As the Sword Demon said this, his black hair tied in a ponytail broke out its binding and flared behind his back. His eyes flashed with frigidness and killing intent.

It was obvious from his eyes that Sword Demon was truly a Demon. He had surely killed trillions on his way to this level of strength.

His killing intent was soo thick that it had materialized into the physical world and contaminated the air, forming a crimson domain in the surrounding few miles.

"It seems I've hit a sore spot?" Saber yawned. At this moment, his words coupled with his lazy actions truly sent Sword Demon mad.

His previously refined aura instantly disappeared. Sword Demon's aura spiked. The suppression under the realm power of Saber's had been instantly offset.

On his sword, what seemed to be flesh and blood formed. Veins and eyeballs appeared on the curved blade that grew longer.

At this moment, the appearance of the sword in his hand had truly entered the realms of Demonic!

The Sword Demon's previous scholar-like body had completely changed. His figure bulged to three or four times its previous size, radiating violent energy.

As Golden Immortals, most remained in their Elemental State throughout eternity but, Sword Demon held no opponents so there was no need.

But now...

"How long? How long has it been since I was forced into this state...?!" The Sword Demon's body was brawny and filled with veins. It seemed that at any moment, he'd explode due to the power in his body.

His eyes were black, there wasn't even a pair of pupils, and on his face were multiple markings, each radiating a peculiar bloodthirsty aura.

His voice was akin to an evil ancient entity reawakening from slumber after countless years, ready to commence a slaughter fest.

Releasing a sadistic smile, his attention honed in on the reason he even transformed in the first place.

"Be proud, today you die at the hands of me, Sword Demon, in my true form. Not many have the honor little abomination!"


Even under the suppression of different realms, the Sword Demon's sword parted the winds and ate away the space, rushing toward Saber's neck, itching for bloodshed.

For a moment, Saber's expression changed from its previous casualness. Throughout his body, his muscles tensed as the endless power brimming in his veins and muscles spiked.


An explosion occurred. As Sword Demon's sword landed, a loud clanging sound descended, as if two strong and sturdy irons clashed against each other.

"Huh!" Sword Demon's pupils shrunk to the size of needles. In his vision, what stopped the path of his sword that devoured all was a palm.

A single palm stopped everything. Even time seemed to pause for a second as before he knew it... before he could react, a stinging sensation originating from his chest sent him flying back with intense momentum.

Saber didn't give him any time to rest or regain his bearings. Before he could travel a substantial distance, Saber had already appeared in his path. Seeing the back of the large Sword Demon hurdling toward him, Saber's curled-up lips broadened.

This is what he liked the most after all. Total and utter supremacy! And with these thoughts, Saber cocked back his fist... With bulging veins around his arm, he sent a punch that broke apart the space wherever it traveled.


Again, time stopped. The light disappeared and for a moment, everyone felt their brains short circuit. By the time they regained their senses, Sword Demon's figure was in a sorry state.