Monstrosity (3)

Inside the third floor of hell's tower, the scenery was perfect. The whole third floor was filled with countless wondrous places.

But, the third floor of hell's tower wasn't a place that was filled with people. On the sixth floor, fifth floor, and even the fourth floor, the cultivators still had desires.

Some desired to indulge in their lust while others indulged in the feeling of becoming an ancestor. Anyway, it all ended in countless bloodlines.

So, on the lower floors, or well, one can call it the higher floors, in those floors one would find regular individuals.

Of course, these regular individuals all had impossibly strong bodies. Even if they were mortal cultivators in terms of energy, when it came to the sturdiness of their bodies, they were at least at the level of Earth Immortals.

The pressure present on each floor wasn't a joke, so this mutation was common. If they were to be born normal, they'd instantly die.

Anyway, on the third floor, once a cultivator reached the third floor, it meant they had most likely broken into the Golden Immortal realm.

To enter the Golden Immortal realm, each of these cultivators wasn't merely a talented cultivator. They all devoted all of their time to the pursuit of strength.

Each Golden Immortal cultivator was ambitious. They desired nothing more than power... supreme strength. Human desires had already withered away over time.

Due to this, there wasn't any being other than a Golden Immortal present. But, how rare was a Golden Immortal..?

One can imagine, the third floor was a deserted place.

There wasn't a Golden Immortal who wished to have descendants. There wasn't a reason to have a descendent either.

It wasn't like they were capable of reaching the end of their lifespan and wanted to carry on their bloodline.

So inside the third floor, there were barely several tens of figures! And, at this moment, several tens of figures had become merely one figure.

This figure could be seen casually walking on the surface of the third floor. He had his hands behind his back and a calm peaceful smile was ever present.

With long purple hair and two bangs, one white and one black, he had a pair of purple eyes with black and white pupils.

He was handsome. His appearance was nothing less than otherworldly. But most of all, there was a vile and demonic aura that was eviler than demons surrounding him.

His clothes were a deeper shade of black than night and he walked barefooted. Each step crossed thousands of meters. Wherever he went, he left a trail of destruction.

Once his feet stepped on the surface of the third floor, wherever was unlucky enough to come in contact with his feet, would be left in a state of withering.

He was no different than a god of death descending to the realm of the living.

With his nails the length and shape of claws, and the long canines that peaked through his lips, it didn't help his appearance.


"Poor fool. Did he think that by exploding, he could harm me? Well, he didn't manage to harm me, but he has angered my soul."

"By destroying all the bodies of the Golden Immortals, none of them can strengthen me if I'm to devour them... since there isn't anything to devour!"

Saying this, Saber's eyes landed on a different view. Contrary to the desolate terrain where there were pools of flames spouting from the earth, in front of him was a large mountain.

When one says something is large in this world, it means that it was at least countless miles. Looking up, the mountain peak seemed to penetrate the clouds.

Looking at the clouds, Saber mumbled.

"Then there was only one. That Golden Immortal in the clouds, the smartest of the lot. Normally, I'd go and devour him to boost my cultivation... But, that was on normal occasions."

Breaking into the Golden Immortal realm wasn't due to Nimue.

It was purely caused by the sixty trillion stars inside his body. From what he understood at this moment, these stars were synonymous with his potential.

Honestly, if he wanted to, he could break through to the Prime Immortal realm or even the True Immortal realm. The only problem would be, drawing out the energy from those stars would be very risky.

Drawing out atomic energy was akin to drawing out his potential. If he wasn't careful, he would blow up because his body wouldn't be able to handle the energy.

If he was even unluckier, then there would be a scene of him continuously exploding the moment he was reborn using his undead army.

There was the possibility of actually dying too.

If the energy was continuously drawn out without being able to control it, he'd explode soo many times before the undeads could reform, and truly die!

The reason for not devouring the only Golden Immortals on the third floor right now was simple... As previously stated, he didn't break through to this realm due to Nimue, and that was when he was a Profound Immortal.

"Now that I've become a Golden Immortal, the amount of energy I need for each breakthrough is soo much that that fellow isn't enough to cause a splash in my energy reserves."

"From now on, the only thing I can do is cultivate. Cultivate like normal people, well, not exactly normal people."

"I'll draw energy out of those stars inside my body and strengthen my realm. I'll comprehend the element of Primordial Chaos like comprehending any other element."

"I'll be comprehending my element similar to normal people now."

Previously, the action of devouring the elements of others is what improved his comprehension of the element of Primordial Chaos, but now, he had no choice but to do things the way of his ancestors.

Since there wasn't anything that could boost his comprehension, the only thing he could do now is bitterly cultivate the normal way. Smirking to himself, Saber slowly made his way up the mountain.

"Isn't this the way most of my ancestors cultivate? Some of them were also born with an affinity for the element "devour", but the others weren't, so they needed to bitterly cultivate."

"And even those who were born with an affinity for "devour", their ability to devour isn't as broken as mine. They can only devour the energy of others. Even devouring elements was a fantasy."

After he had accepted the element, reincarnation, samsara, one could say he had unlocked the memories of his ancestors. Or, maybe, due to comprehending samsara, this was the memories of his past life...?

"My "devour" is the most complete. If it was an element, I'd say I fully comprehended it, and now I can fully exert all its abilities." Saber pondered.

Unknowingly, he had reached the mountain peak. As he expected, it had truly passed the clouds, revealing the endless starry skies similar to those inside his body.

Closing his eyes and crossing his legs, he floated in the air in a meditative posture with both hands resting on his knees, his palms open and facing upwards.

'The Golden Immortal realm is separated into three minor realms which are the Low, High, and Pinnacle.

'Since I haven't fought a Pseudo Prime Immortal, I only know that as a mere Low-Level Golden Immortal, I can rival a Pinnacle Golden Immortal.

'To break through, I'll need an insane amount of energy, hence the reason one Golden Immortal isn't enough even to cause a splash in my reserves of energy!'